/** The ACE-version of the Jobs puzzle. The original natural English specification goes as follows: == 1. There are four people: Roberta, Thelma, Steve, and Pete. 2. Among them, they hold eight different jobs. 3. Each holds exactly two jobs. 4. The jobs are: chef, guard, nurse, telephone operator, police officer (gender not implied), teacher, actor, and boxer. 5. The job of nurse is held by a male. 6. The husband of the chef is the telephone operator. 7. Roberta is not a boxer. 8. Pete has no education past the ninth grade. 9. Roberta, the chef, and the police officer went golfing together. Question: Who holds which jobs? == See also: The Jobs Puzzle A Challenge for Logical Expressibility and Automated Reasoning Stuart C. Shapiro @author Kaarel Kaljurand @version 0.1 @ace_version 6.6 @date 2011-05-09 @lexicon jobs.lex.pl @entails "Roberta holds Guard." under OWL @entails "Roberta holds Teacher." under OWL @entails "Thelma holds Boxer." under OWL @entails "Thelma holds Chef." under OWL @entails "Steve holds Nurse." under OWL @entails "Steve holds Police-officer." under OWL @entails "Pete holds Actor." under OWL @entails "Pete holds Telephone-operator." under OWL @tags puzzle Notes: * Tested with HermiT. */ # 1. There are 4 people ... Every person is Roberta or is Thelma or is Steve or is Pete. Roberta is not Thelma. Roberta is not Steve. Roberta is not Pete. Thelma is not Steve. Thelma is not Pete. Steve is not Pete. Roberta is a person. Thelma is a person. Steve is a person. Pete is a person. # Some info derived from names Every man is a person. Every woman is a person. No man is a woman. Roberta is a woman. Thelma is a woman. Steve is a man. Pete is a man. # 2. Among them, they hold eight different jobs. Every job is held by exactly 1 person. # 3. Each holds exactly two jobs. Every person holds exactly 2 jobs. # A simplification: Everything that holds something is a person. Everything that is held by something is a job. # 4. The jobs are ... Every job is Chef or is Guard or is Nurse or is Telephone-operator or is Police-officer or is Teacher or is Actor or is Boxer. Chef is not Guard. Chef is not Nurse. Chef is not Telephone-operator. Chef is not Police-officer. Chef is not Teacher. Chef is not Actor. Chef is not Boxer. Guard is not Nurse. Guard is not Telephone-operator. Guard is not Police-officer. Guard is not Teacher. Guard is not Actor. Guard is not Boxer. Nurse is not Telephone-operator. Nurse is not Police-officer. Nurse is not Teacher. Nurse is not Actor. Nurse is not Boxer. Telephone-operator is not Police-officer. Telephone-operator is not Teacher. Telephone-operator is not Actor. Telephone-operator is not Boxer. Police-officer is not Teacher. Police-officer is not Actor. Police-officer is not Boxer. Teacher is not Actor. Teacher is not Boxer. Actor is not Boxer. Chef is a job. Guard is a job. Nurse is a job. Telephone-operator is a job. Police-officer is a job. Teacher is a job. Actor is a job. Boxer is a job. # 5. The job of nurse is held by a male. Nurse is held by a man. # Info derived from word: actor is male Actor is held by a man. # 6. The husband of the chef is the telephone operator. X has-husband Y and X holds Chef and Y holds Telephone-operator. # Some common sense about husbands # If X has-husband Y then X is a woman and Y is a man. If X has-husband somebody then X is a woman. If somebody has-husband Y then Y is a man. # 7. Roberta is not a boxer. Roberta does not hold Boxer. # 8. Pete has no education past the ninth grade. Pete does not hold Nurse. Pete does not hold Teacher. Pete does not hold Police-officer. # Roberta, the chef, and the police officer went golfing together Roberta does not hold Chef. Roberta does not hold Police-officer. Nobody holds Chef and holds Police-officer. # Question: Who holds which jobs? Which job does a man hold? Which job does a woman hold? Which job does Roberta hold? Which job does Thelma hold? Which job does Steve hold? Which job does Pete hold?