001    // This file is part of AceWiki.
002    // Copyright 2008-2012, AceWiki developers.
003    // 
004    // AceWiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
005    // Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
006    // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
007    // 
008    // AceWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
009    // even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
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015    package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser;
017    import java.util.ArrayList;
018    import java.util.HashMap;
019    import java.util.List;
020    import java.util.Map;
022    /**
023     * This class represents the parse tree of a successfully parsed text.
024     * 
025     * @author Tobias Kuhn
026     */
027    public class ParseTree {
029            private ParseTreeNode topNode;
030            private String lamFunctor = "lam";
031            private String appFunctor = "app";
032            private String concatFunctor = "+";
033            private String semLabel = "sem";
035            /**
036             * Creates a new parse tree object.
037             * 
038             * @param topNode The top node.
039             */
040            ParseTree(Edge edge) {
041                    this.topNode = new ParseTreeNode(edge.deepCopy(true));
042            }
044            private ParseTree(ParseTreeNode topNode) {
045                    this.topNode = topNode;
046            }
048            private ParseTree createParseTree(ParseTreeNode topNode) {
049                    ParseTree newParseTree = new ParseTree(topNode);
050                    newParseTree.lamFunctor = lamFunctor;
051                    newParseTree.appFunctor = appFunctor;
052                    newParseTree.concatFunctor = concatFunctor;
053                    newParseTree.semLabel = semLabel;
054                    return newParseTree;
055            }
057            /**
058             * Returns the start position of this tree. This can be relevant for subtrees.
059             * 
060             * @return The start position.
061             */
062            public int getStartPos() {
063                    return topNode.getStartPos();
064            }
066            /**
067             * Returns the end position of this tree. This can be relevant for subtrees.
068             * 
069             * @return The end position.
070             */
071            public int getEndPos() {
072                    return topNode.getEndPos();
073            }
075            /**
076             * Sets the name of the annotation item that contains the semantics information. The default is
077             * "sem".
078             * 
079             * @param semLabel The name of the annotation item containing the semantics.
080             */
081            public void setSemanticsLabel(String semLabel) {
082                    this.semLabel = semLabel;
083            }
085            /**
086             * Sets the functor of the lambda function for the calculation of lambda semantics. The default
087             * is "lam".
088             * 
089             * @param lamFunctor The lambda functor.
090             */
091            public void setLambdaFunctor(String lamFunctor) {
092                    this.lamFunctor = lamFunctor;
093            }
095            /**
096             * Sets the functor of the application function for the calculation of lambda semantics. The
097             * default is "app".
098             * 
099             * @param appFunctor The application functor.
100             */
101            public void setApplicationFunctor(String appFunctor) {
102                    this.appFunctor = appFunctor;
103            }
105            /**
106             * Sets the functor of the concatenation function for the calculation of semantics. The default
107             * is "+". Terms using the concatenation functor are flattened. The functor can be set to null
108             * to avoid flattening.
109             * 
110             * @param concatFunctor The concatentation functor.
111             */
112            public void setConcatFunctor(String concatFunctor) {
113                    this.concatFunctor = concatFunctor;
114            }
116            /**
117             * Returns the top node of the parse tree.
118             * 
119             * @return The top node of the parse tree.
120             */
121            public ParseTreeNode getTopNode() {
122                    return topNode;
123            }
125            /**
126             * Returns the syntax tree. The leaves of the tree are objects of Category. All other nodes are
127             * arrays of Object containing the child nodes.
128             * 
129             * @return The syntax tree.
130             */
131            public Object getSynTree() {
132                    return getSynTree(topNode);
133            }
135            private Object getSynTree(ParseTreeNode n) {
136                    Category h = n.getCategory();
137                    List<ParseTreeNode> c = n.getChildren();
138                    Object[] o = new Object[c.size()+1];
139                    o[0] = h;
140                    for (int i = 0 ; i < c.size() ; i++) {
141                            o[i+1] = getSynTree(c.get(i));
142                    }
143                    return o;
144            }
146            /**
147             * Returns a serialization of the syntax tree.
148             * 
149             * @return A serialization of the syntax tree.
150             */
151            public String getSerializedSynTree() {
152                    return serializeStructure(getSynTree());
153            }
155            /**
156             * Returns an ASCII representation of the syntax tree.
157             * 
158             * @return An ASCII representation of the syntax tree.
159             */
160            public String getAsciiSynTree() {
161                    return structureToAsciiTree(getSynTree(), 0);
162            }
164            /**
165             * Returns the semantics tree. The semantics are retrieved from the annotations of the grammar
166             * rules. The leaves of the tree are objects of String or StringRef. All other nodes are arrays
167             * of Object containing the child nodes.
168             * 
169             * @return The semantics tree.
170             */
171            public Object getSemTree() {
172                    Object o = getSemTree(topNode);
173                    if (concatFunctor != null) {
174                            o = applyConcatenation(o);
175                    }
176                    return o;
177            }
179            private Object getSemTree(ParseTreeNode n) {
180                    Object structure =  n.getAnnotation().getItem(semLabel);
181                    if (structure == null) return null;
182                    for (ParseTreeNode c : n.getChildren()) {
183                            Object o = getSemTree(c);
184                            if (o != null) {
185                                    structure = new Object[] {appFunctor, structure, o};
186                            }
187                    }
188                    return structure;
189            }
191            /**
192             * Returns a serialization of the semantics tree.
193             * 
194             * @return A serialization of the semantics tree.
195             */
196            public String getSerializedSemTree() {
197                    return serializeStructure(getSemTree());
198            }
200            /**
201             * Returns an ASCII representation of the semantics tree.
202             * 
203             * @return An ASCII representation of the semantics tree.
204             */
205            public String getAsciiSemTree() {
206                    return structureToAsciiTree(getSemTree(), 0);
207            }
209            /**
210             * Returns the semantics tree, interpreted as a lambda expression. The returned tree is beta-
211             * reduced. The semantics are retrieved from the annotations of the grammar rules. The leaves
212             * of the tree are objects of String or StringRef. All other nodes are arrays of Object
213             * containing the child nodes.
214             * 
215             * @return The beta-reduced semantics tree.
216             */
217            public Object getLambdaSemTree() {
218                    Object o = getSemTree(topNode);
219                    Map<Integer, Object> replace = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
220                    replace.put(-1, "");
221                    while (replace.containsKey(-1)) {
222                            replace.remove(-1);
223                            o = applyBetaReduction(o, replace);
224                    }
225                    if (concatFunctor != null) {
226                            o = applyConcatenation(o);
227                    }
228                    return o;
229            }
231            /**
232             * Returns a serialization of the semantics tree under lambda interpretation.
233             * 
234             * @return A serialization of the lambda semantics tree.
235             */
236            public String getSerializedLambdaSemTree() {
237                    return serializeStructure(getLambdaSemTree());
238            }
240            /**
241             * Returns an ASCII representation of the semantics tree under lambda interpretation.
242             * 
243             * @return An ASCII representation of the lambda semantics tree.
244             */
245            public String getAsciiLambdaSemTree() {
246                    return structureToAsciiTree(getLambdaSemTree(), 0);
247            }
249            /**
250             * Returns all subtrees that have the given category name as their top node. In the case of
251             * nested nodes with the given category, only the top-most subtree (containing all other
252             * potential subtrees) is returned.
253             * 
254             * @param categoryName The category name.
255             * @return A list of all matching subtrees.
256             */
257            public List<ParseTree> getSubTrees(String categoryName) {
258                    List<ParseTreeNode> topNodeList = new ArrayList<ParseTreeNode>();
259                    topNodeList.add(topNode);
260                    List<ParseTree> subTrees = new ArrayList<ParseTree>();
261                    collectSubTrees(categoryName, topNodeList, subTrees);
262                    return subTrees;
263            }
265            private void collectSubTrees(String categoryName, List<ParseTreeNode> nodes,
266                            List<ParseTree> subTrees) {
267                    for (ParseTreeNode n : nodes) {
268                            if (n.getCategory().getName().equals(categoryName)) {
269                                    subTrees.add(createParseTree(n));
270                            } else {
271                                    collectSubTrees(categoryName, n.getChildren(), subTrees);
272                            }
273                    }
274            }
276            /**
277             * Returns the list of terminals of this tree.
278             * 
279             * @return The list of terminals.
280             */
281            public List<Terminal> getTerminals() {
282                    return topNode.getTerminals();
283            }
285            private Object applyBetaReduction(Object obj, Map<Integer, Object> replace) {
286                    // TODO improve this (just one run, see Blackburn & Bos)
287                    if (obj == null) {
288                            return null;
289                    } else if (obj instanceof String) {
290                            return obj;
291                    } else if (obj instanceof StringRef) {
292                            StringRef sr = (StringRef) obj;
293                            if (replace.containsKey(sr.getID())) {
294                                    replace.put(-1, "");
295                                    return applyBetaReduction(replace.get(sr.getID()), replace);
296                            } else {
297                                    return obj;
298                            }
299                    } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
300                            Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
301                            if (a.length == 0) {
302                                    return obj;
303                            }
304                            Object[] c = new Object[a.length];
305                            for (int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
306                                    c[i] = applyBetaReduction(a[i], replace);
307                            }
308                            if (a.length == 3 && appFunctor.equals(a[0]) && a[1] instanceof Object[]) {
309                                    Object[] l = (Object[]) a[1];
310                                    if (l.length == 3 && lamFunctor.equals(l[0]) && l[1] instanceof StringRef) {
311                                            replace.put(((StringRef) l[1]).getID(), a[2]);
312                                            replace.put(-1, "");
313                                            return applyBetaReduction(l[2], replace);
314                                    }
315                            }
316                            return c;
317                    }
318                    return obj;
319            }
321            private String serializeStructure(Object obj) {
322                    if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
323                            Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
324                            if (a.length == 0) {
325                                    return "*empty*";
326                            } else if (a.length == 1) {
327                                    return elementToString(a[0]);
328                            } else {
329                                    String s = elementToString(a[0]) + "(";
330                                    for (int i = 1 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
331                                            s += serializeStructure(a[i]) + ", ";
332                                    }
333                                    if (s.endsWith(", ")) s = s.substring(0, s.length()-2);
334                                    return s + ")";
335                            }
336                    } else {
337                            return elementToString(obj);
338                    }
339            }
341            private String structureToAsciiTree(Object obj, int tab) {
342                    String t = "";
343                    for (int i=0 ; i < tab ; i++) t += "  ";
344                    if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
345                            Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
346                            if (a.length == 0) {
347                                    t += "*empty*\n";
348                            } else {
349                                    t += elementToString(a[0]) + "\n";
350                                    for (int i = 1 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
351                                            t += structureToAsciiTree(a[i], tab+1);
352                                    }
353                            }
354                    } else {
355                            return t + elementToString(obj) + "\n";
356                    }
357                    return t;
358            }
360            private String elementToString(Object obj) {
361                    if (obj == null) {
362                            return "*null*";
363                    } else if (obj instanceof String) {
364                            String s = (String) obj;
365                            if (s.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9_]+")) {
366                                    return s;
367                            } else {
368                                    return "'" + s + "'";
369                            }
370                    } else if (obj instanceof StringRef) {
371                            StringRef sr = (StringRef) obj;
372                            if (sr.getString() == null) {
373                                    return "?" + sr.getID();
374                            } else {
375                                    return elementToString(sr.getString());
376                            }
377                    } else if (obj instanceof Terminal) {
378                            return obj.toString();
379                    } else if (obj instanceof Preterminal) {
380                            return "$" + ((Preterminal) obj).getName();
381                    } else if (obj instanceof Category) {
382                            return ((Category) obj).getName();
383                    }
384                    return "*invalid*";
385            }
387            private Object applyConcatenation(Object obj) {
388                    if (isConcatFunction(obj)) {
389                            Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
390                            List<Object> cl = new ArrayList<Object>();
391                            for (int i = 1 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
392                                    Object ci = applyConcatenation(a[i]);
393                                    if (isConcatFunction(ci)) {
394                                            Object[] ai = (Object[]) ci;
395                                            for (int j = 1 ; j < ai.length ; j++) {
396                                                    addFlat(cl, ai[j]);
397                                            }
398                                    } else if (!"".equals(ci)) {
399                                            addFlat(cl, ci);
400                                    }
401                            }
402                            if (cl.size() == 0) {
403                                    return "";
404                            } else if (cl.size() == 1) {
405                                    return cl.get(0);
406                            } else {
407                                    cl.add(0, concatFunctor);
408                                    return cl.toArray();
409                            }
410                    } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
411                            Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
412                            Object[] c = new Object[a.length];
413                            for (int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
414                                    c[i] = applyConcatenation(a[i]);
415                            }
416                            return c;
417                    } else {
418                            return obj;
419                    }
420            }
422            private boolean isConcatFunction(Object obj) {
423                    if (!(obj instanceof Object[])) return false;
424                    Object[] a = (Object[]) obj;
425                    if (a.length == 0) return false;
426                    if (!(a[0] instanceof String)) return false;
427                    if (!a[0].toString().equals(concatFunctor)) return false;
428                    return true;
429            }
431            private void addFlat(List<Object> list, Object obj) {
432                    if (obj instanceof StringRef && ((StringRef) obj).getString() != null) {
433                            obj = ((StringRef) obj).getString();
434                    }
435                    if (list.isEmpty() || !(obj instanceof String)) {
436                            list.add(obj);
437                    } else {
438                            if (list.get(list.size()-1) instanceof String) {
439                                    String s = (String) list.remove(list.size()-1);
440                                    list.add(s + obj);
441                            } else {
442                                    list.add(obj);
443                            }
444                    }
445            }
447    }