[Attempto] Ann: ACE View v1.2.13

Kaarel Kaljurand kaljurand at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 23:10:34 CET 2008


a new version of ACE View is available from http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/aceview/.
Release notes:

* Now updatable via the Protege 4 plug-in update system

* ADDED: "Why?" button to Snippet Editor. Triggers an explanation of
the selected snippet, if the reasoner is switched on.
For an asserted snippet, it provides a way to find out if the snippet
is logically redundant. This is marked by the existence of more than
one explanation.

* ADDED: Similar snippets list to Feedback view. Shows snippets that
are similar (contain the same content words) to the selected snippet.

* ADDED: Explanation view (previously was included in Entailments View)

* ADDED: Some ACE View related links to the Help-menu

* IMPROVED: Q&A view: Clicking on an answer generates a full answer
into the Snippet Editor. E.g. for the question "Which EU-country
borders a NATO-country?" and the answer "Estonia", the full answer is
"Estonia is a EU-country that borders a NATO-country.". This generated
snippet can be explained by clicking on the Snippet Editor's "Why?"

* IMPROVED: ACE View preferences panel

* CHANGED: The default OWL-to-ACE service is now accessible via the
standard port 80.

* FIXED: All views were reacting to the selected snippet event. For
many views this was unnecessary and slowed down browsing large


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