[Attempto] Echo framework

Tobias Kuhn t.kuhn at gmx.ch
Mon Dec 21 09:18:27 CET 2009


> Lines that mention nextapp like
>      import nextapp.echo2.app.Extent;
> such as attempto_java_packages-091207/src/ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/echocomp/CheckBox.java make the NetBeans IDE complain "package nextapp.echo2.app does not exist".  I've defined attempto_java_packages-091207/lib as a library folder a few different ways in Project Properties w/o fixing.  Suggestions?

That's strange. It complains only about the nextapp classes?

The Extent class is contained by Echo2_App.jar. And if it wasn't there you would not be able to run 

> Do you expect to upgrade to Echo3 soon after it comes out of beta?  Just so I know what to study.

Yes, at some point I would like to switch to Echo3. However, I don't know how much work that will 
be. In the best case, it's just replacing the import statements. But it might be more than that. 
Depending on the work involved, I will be able to switch to Echo3 earlier or later...

> p.s. Never mind re: my todo list request: i found attempto_java_packages-091207/src/ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/acewiki/TODO.txt.
> p.p.s. Similarly dispose of my data properties question: the above file explains that "data properties" is what OWL calls numbers and strings.


By the way: Thanks for the description on how to set up AceWiki on Linux! I am sure that this is 
very helpful for others.


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