[Attempto] AceWiki 0.2.12

Tobias Kuhn t.kuhn at gmx.ch
Mon Feb 16 09:30:06 CET 2009


There is a new release of AceWiki:


It can be downloaded as a part of the Attempto Java Packages:


The changes are the following:

- The behavior of questions has been improved: When an answer is recalculated, the (possibly 
out-of-date) cached answer is shown until the recalculation is finished. The same is done for the 
contents of the assignments tab, the individuals tab, and the hierarchy tab.
- The wiki articles can now be enriched with comments.
- AceWiki is now more responsive when several reasoning requests are pending.
- Simple questions like "what is Switzerland?" return now the classes of the individual (instead of 
just returning the individual itself).
- The articles can now be accessed directly by URLs of the form ".../?showpage=article-name" (blanks 
have to be represented as underscores).
- A minor bug in the AceWiki grammar is fixed: "or that" introduced ambiguity in some rare cases.

Also the other packages have been improved:

- The chartparser can now handle parallel tokens, e.g. a token that is either "IV" or "TV".
- Some minor bugs in the chartparser are fixed.
- The output type OWLFSSPP is now supported by the Java interface to the parser.
- The chartparser and the predictive editor support now terminal symbols having features.
- The of the predictive editor has been improved: Pressing Enter when the text field is empty 
performs "OK"; Pressing Escape performs "Cancel".
- A bug in the build script has been fixed: the "classes" folder was not created.


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