[Attempto] Object Ops, eq vs exactly?

Joshua TAYLOR tayloj at cs.rpi.edu
Mon Mar 30 00:33:17 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I notice that in the ACE DRS, the Op of an Object is "One of
{eq,geq,greater,exactly,na}. eq stands for ``equal'' and geq for
``greater or equal''."  What's the different between "eq" and
"exactly"?  I can write ACE text that generates DRS with each of
those, but I don't know if there's a difference in meaning.  The first
two of the following three examples produce "eq,1", and the third

John has a car.
[A, B, C]
object(A, John, named, na, eq, 1)-1
object(B, car, countable, na, eq, 1)-1
predicate(C, have, A, B)-1

John has one car.
[A, B, C]
object(A, John, named, na, eq, 1)-1
object(B, car, countable, na, eq, 1)-1
predicate(C, have, A, B)-1

John has exactly one car.
[A, B, C]
object(A, John, named, na, eq, 1)-1
object(B, car, countable, na, exactly, 1)-1
predicate(C, have, A, B)-1

Thanks, //JT

Joshua Taylor
tayloj at cs.rpi.edu, jtaylor at alum.rpi.edu

"A lot of good things went down one time,
  back in the goodle days."
    John Hartford

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