[Attempto] reaching utility

George Herson gherson at snet.net
Sun Jan 17 23:15:27 CET 2010


> So what kind of sentences you would like to add to AceWiki but are not supported?

I'm entering examples at http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/webapps/acewikiattempto/ as comments with 'target: "sentence i can't enter"' but Search does not yet include comments.  So i added that to the bottom of http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/webapps/acewikiattempto/?showpage=AceWiki_todos

> I see that it can be hard to formulate complex knowledge in a way AceWiki understands it. I think the predictive editor approach is a good way to help users in this process, but it can still be hard.

> I don't think that it's possible to support all "sentences that make sense to try and reason with". This would probably be equally hard as to process full natural language.

> The aspect of user-driven extension of the language is a very interesting one. Actually, I never thought about this. It could be an interesting research area. A problem could be how to generalize from ACE/DRS pairs to grammar rules.

Yes, let's "crowd source" if necessary (which I won't know until full ACE is supported) to move forward quickly. 

Note that you wouldn't have just the pairs but the answers to whatever questions were put to the user.

> > For the short term, it will help matters to be able to map a comment to a set of AceWiki
> > sentences so i know exactly what knowledge I was attempting to
> > represent. so I think i'll work on that (unless there's a better
> > suggestion).

> I am not sure whether I understand what you mean. What would happen with sentences in a comment that do not comply with the ACE grammar?

The sentences are only /visually/ mapped to a comment for the sake of a human reader, e.g., the sentences are indented under the comment and these can all be re-ordered in the articles.  

Don't worry about this; i'll try to do.  The doctor has enough on his plate. :-)  Allow full ACE if you can.

thank you,

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