[Attempto] or is interpreted as inclusive or , or xor?

Gabriele Kahlout gabriele at mysimpatico.com
Sun Jul 11 09:12:13 CEST 2010

> > I tried the editor for the FOL of 'A customer inserts a VisaCard or
> inserts a MasterCard'∧ Inserts(x,MasterCard))
> Note, that the 'or' in ACE means inclusive not exclusive or.

So this could mean that a customer could insert 2 cards before inserting a
code  in

A customer inserts a VisaCard or inserts a MasterCard, and inserts a code.

Wasn't natural language or mostly xor?

> Best regards.
> Norbert E. Fuchs
> Department of Informatics & Institute of Computational Linguistics
> University of Zurich

K. Gabriele

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