[Attempto] if - then sentences with Ace View

Jean-Marc Vanel jeanmarc.vanel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 20:26:27 CET 2010

Not without trials and errors, I wrote this ACE sentence that
represents a rule that a site like FaceBook might use for friend

If the current-user C knows a person X and a person Y
and X is different from Y
and X knows Z
and Y knows Z
and Z is different from C
then Z is a friend-proposal for C .

The first version had commas at every end of line that make it clearer
for the human reader, but ACE dislikes them :( .
Then Ace View says:

The snippet contains no Ace syntax errors, but cannot be expressed in OWL/SWRL .

And the Ace Feedback panel says twice about "person" :
A reference to this noun either does not exist or is illegal.

( hard to read BTW, because the columns are too narrow, and there is
no way to select the message, and no tooltip )

Then I removed "person" like this :

If the current-user C knows X
and Y
and X is different from Y
and X knows Z
and Y knows Z
and Z is different from C
then Z is a friend-proposal for C .

Then the Ace Feedback panel says again twice the message, but this
time about  "something" :
A reference to this noun either does not exist or is illegal.

The problem might be too many "and" .
Since I have (AFAIK) no way in ACE to parenthesize things, I remove some and's :

If     the current-user C knows X
and the current-user C knows Y
and X is different from Y
and X knows Z
and Y knows Z
and Z is different from C
then Z is a friend-proposal for C .

I hoped that using variables would ease the analysis. But no !

Now there are 3 errors:
- Subject or Object of this verb makes an illegal reference. --> for
"know" and "be"
- Adjectives are not supported.

I give up for now, and I 'll read Kaarel's thesis .

How can I run in Prolog command line the ACE to OWL+SWRL translator ?

Jean-Marc Vanel
Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52 -- +33 (0)1 39 55 58 16
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