[Attempto] [DRS 2 ACE]

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Sun Oct 17 18:28:42 CEST 2010

On 17 Oct 2010, at 18:08, mohammed nasri wrote:

> I'm wondering to know if there is a tool that parse a DRS structure and generate the corresponding ACE text.


Yes, there is such a tool. It is called paraphraser and is used by the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE). Check APE's web-interface at http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ape/ to see the paraphraser in action.

Download the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) from http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/downloads/ and expand the zip file to generate the folder ape. Within that folder you find the folder utils that contain the files drs_to_ace.pl and drs_to_coreace.pl which are two versions of the paraphraser.


   --- nef

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