[Attempto] Counting, like "how many"

Pierre-Alexandre Voye ontologiae at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 10:50:45 CET 2011

Hi all,

I'm trying to express something like :

"Write a program to generate 1000  numbers between 0 and 99 inclusive.
You should count how many times each number is generated and write
these counts out to the screen. "

I have two problems :
For the first sentence "Jh writes a program which v:generate  1000  numbers
between 0 and 99 ." works but the between concept disappear in the DRS data.
I just have the information about a countable object which have two parts, 0
and 99.
So, when I tried the drs_to_ace tool, I had : Ace = [['There is a program
X1.', 'Jh writes the program X1.', 'The program X1 v:generate 99 and 0 1000
random numbers.']]. which shows that "between" disappears.

Is it normal ?

My second problem is to express "Computer count how many times each number
is generated".

I tried a lot of sentence. "How many" doesn't work. I tried too with "the
count" and "the number".
I can't find a way to write this sentence.
Is it possible ?
Thank you


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