[Attempto] Representing code (C++ etc)

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Mon Jan 30 20:59:29 CET 2012


> I understand, but code can (clumsily) be expressed in English.
> "function GCD has parameters a as integer, and b as integer"
> "function GCD returns an integer"
> "line 1 of function GCD states that "if b is larger than a, jump to label b_larger""

I did not advise you to express your code in ACE, but to express the problem/algorithm.

> Really, the root of my question is: "Can attempto describe everything that can be described in English"

Since ACE is a subset of English the simple answer is no. 

> If you can describe code in English, and attempto can describe everything that English can describe, then attempto can describe code. Right?

Perhaps you should try paraphrasing your C++ code in ACE and then submit the paraphrase to APE's web-interface (http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ape/). I am highly interested in your results.

   --- nef

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