[Attempto] ACE in Cognitive Robotics

Nicholas H Kirk nicholas.kirk at tum.de
Wed Jun 18 16:04:32 CEST 2014

dear members of the CNL/ACE scientific community,

my name is Nicholas Kirk and I'm an M.Sc. student, affiliated with
Technical University of Munich, working at the intersection between
robotics and linguistics.
I would like to briefly inform you of two pieces of work of mine which
exploit CNL/ACE:


   - http://www.illc.uva.nl/semdial/dialdam/abstracts/Kirk_dialdam.pdf

The latter is a brief concept paper, while the former is a more mature and
implemented approach, which hopefully raises the awareness of ACE's
potential within the field of cognitive robotics.

I welcome criticisms and suggestions, as well as collaborations and useful

Best regards,

Nicholas H. Kirk
Technical University of Munich
E: nicholas.kirk at tum.de
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