[Attempto] [Cannot use my own clex with APE]

Mohammed Nasri mohammed.nasri at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 00:02:16 CET 2015


As described in the mail subject, I want to use my own clex file. I then
run the following command :

APE_Path/ape -ulexfile CLEX_PATH/my_own_clex.pl -text "John eats an apple."
-solo drs

But I get this error message : ERROR: error(resource_error(stack),global)

Do someone have any suggestions ?

I also add the -noclex option before -ulexfile but still the same error.

For information, I use APE 6.6-110816 (The latest I think), and my own clex
file was downloaded from : https://github.com/Attempto/Clex

Thank you.

Sincères salutations
Mohammed NASRI
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