[Attempto] About RACE reasoner source code and development

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Thu Aug 23 11:19:10 CEST 2018

> On 22 Aug 2018, at 23:57 , Reslav Hollos <reslav.hollos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I'm interested in digging into the internals of the RACE reasoner to see how it works and how to extend it, but cannot find any code for it.
> There are several places related to RACE that I found:
> - web client and service http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/resources/
> - swi-prolog package that can do requests to the above service https://github.com/fnogatz/race
> - RACE research papers https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e209/72f2eef36cadcd6abb2453c6326c3f79dcf9.pdf , http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 
> - this mailing list with the subject "[Attempto] Source Code of RACE reasoner" https://lists.ifi.uzh.ch/pipermail/attempto/2012-September/000980.html
> I'm confused about the mailing list part as its first entry already contains cited text, and there is no mention of RACE or source at all nor is there mention in the following replies with the same subject. Am I missing something?
> Also, I'd like to run RACE locally to prevent request delays and have it not run on an 'older machine' as stated in the first mentioned RACE research paper above.
> Is there a way to contribute to the development of RACE?
> Thanks,
> Reslav
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Dear Reslav

The publication of the RACE code on GitHub is planned, but has been delayed for various reasons.

To learn more about the innards of RACE please peruse these two publications, the first of which you have already found yourself:


There is also unpublished work on arithmetic in RACE. I attach an abstract of a demo to this message.

Furthermore, there is a current paper that makes use of RACE:


> Also, I'd like to run RACE locally to prevent request delays and have it not run on an 'older machine' as stated in the first mentioned RACE research paper above.

The web-service and the web-interface of RACE run on an efficient server. Give it a try. The "older machine" mentioned in the 2010 paper was my MacBook Pro of that time.

Let me know whether you have any further questions. My answer may be a little delayed, because I will be attending CNL 2018 (http://www.sigcnl.org/cnl2018.html) in the next week.

Best regards.

   --- nef

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