[Attempto] Temporal coordination/rewriting to fit ACE

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Mon Oct 12 20:25:21 CEST 2020

> On 12 Oct 2020, at 18:24 , Halley Young <halleyy at seas.upenn.edu> wrote:
> I think I am going to try to see if I can work out a basic rewrite system, but it's very helpful to see examples of how such ideas could be expressed in ACE now.


The example "While John sleeps he dreams." has shown to be underspecified or even ambiguous with respect to the relation of the periods of sleeping and dreaming. Thus your rewrite system will have to be able to model this. I guess a similar underspecification/ambiguity will crop up with other temporal conjunctions.

   --- nef

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