% This file is part of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE). % Copyright 2008, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch). % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Attempto % Parsing Engine (APE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. :- module(grammar_words, [ word/3, % ?Word word/4, % ?Word, +Condition word_initial/3, % ?Word word_initial/4, % ?Word, +Condition word_noninitial/3, % ?Word word_noninitial/4, % ?Word, +Condition word_capitalize/4, % +Word, +WordInitial words/3, % +WordList words/4, % +WordList, +Condition words_initial/3, % +WordList words_initial/4, % +WordList, +Condition words_noninitial/3, % +WordList words_noninitial/4, % +WordList, +Condition warning/6, % +Type, +SentenceID, +Subject, +Description try/4, % +Goal, error(+Type, +SentenceID, +Subject, +Description) reset_progress_record/1, % +TokenList get_unparsed_tokens_number/1 % -Number ]). :- use_module('../logger/error_logger', [ add_warning_message_once/4, add_error_message_once/4 ]). :- use_module('../lexicon/lexicon_interface'). :- use_module('../lexicon/functionwords'). :- use_module('../lexicon/chars'). :- use_module('../lexicon/is_in_lexicon'). /** Word-level Grammar Rules This module contains word-level grammar rules. It manages the fact that certain words can be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence. Furthermore, it keeps track of the parsing process and, in the case of an error, it can determine up to which token parsing succeeded. @author Tobias Kuhn */ %% word(?Word) % % This rule reads the token Word which can be in sentence-initial position. word(Word) --> [Word], record_position. word(Word) --> [^, Word], record_position. %% word(?Word, +Condition) % % This rule reads the token Word (which can be in sentence-initial position) if the given condition % is fulfilled. word(Word, Condition) --> [Word], { call(Condition) }, record_position. word(Word, Condition) --> [^, Word], { call(Condition) }, record_position. %% word_initial(?Word) % % This rule reads the token Word in sentence-initial position. word_initial(Word) --> [^, Word], record_position. %% word_initial(?Word, +Condition) % % This rule reads the token Word in sentence-initial position if the given condition is fulfilled. word_initial(Word, Condition) --> [^, Word], { call(Condition) }, record_position. %% word_noninitial(?Word) % % This rule reads the token Word if it is not in sentence-initial position. word_noninitial(Word) --> [Word], record_position. %% word_noninitial(?Word, +Condition) % % This rule reads the token Word if it is not in sentence-initial position and if the given condition % is fulfilled. word_noninitial(Word, Condition) --> [Word], { call(Condition) }, record_position. %% word_capitalize(+Word, +WordInitial) % % This rule reads the token Word. In sentence-initial position also WordInitial is accepted. word_capitalize(Word, _WordInitial) --> [Word], record_position. word_capitalize(Word, _WordInitial) --> [^, Word], record_position. word_capitalize(_Word, WordInitial) --> [^, WordInitial], record_position. %% words(+WordList) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList which can be in sentence-initial position. words(WordList) --> words_noninitial(WordList). words(WordList) --> [^], words_noninitial(WordList). %% words(+WordList, +Condition) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList (which can be in sentence-initial position) if the % condition is fulfilled. words(WordList, Condition) --> words_noninitial(WordList, Condition). words(WordList, Condition) --> [^], words_noninitial(WordList, Condition). %% words_initial(+WordList) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList if they are in sentence-initial position. words_initial(WordList) --> [^], words_noninitial(WordList). %% words_initial(+WordList, +Condition) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList if they are in sentence-initial position and if the % condition is fulfilled. words_initial(WordList, Condition) --> [^], words_noninitial(WordList, Condition). %% words_noninitial(+WordList) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList if they are not in sentence-initial position. words_noninitial([]) --> record_position. wordss_noninitial([Word|Rest]) --> [Word], words_noninitial(Rest). %% words_noninitial(+WordList, +Condition) % % This rule reads the tokens of WordList if they are not in sentence-initial position and if the % condition is fulfilled. words_noninitial([], Condition) --> { call(Condition) }, record_position. words_noninitial([Word|Rest], Condition) --> [Word], words_noninitial(Rest, Condition). %% warning(+Type, +SentenceID, +Subject, +Description) % % This predicate can be used as a DCG rule. It reads no token but asserts a warning message. warning(Type, SentenceID, Subject, Description) --> get_positive_position(Pos), { PrevPos is Pos - 1, add_warning_message_once(Type, SentenceID-PrevPos, Subject, Description) }. %% try(+Goal, error(+Type, +SentenceID, +Subject, +Description)) % % This predicate can be used as a DCG rule. It tries to call the goal. If this fails then an error message % is asserted and the complete predicate fails. try(Goal, _, Tokens, Tokens) :- call(Goal), !. try(_, error(Type, SentenceID, Subject, Description)) --> get_positive_position(Pos), { PrevPos is Pos - 1, add_error_message_once(Type, SentenceID-PrevPos, Subject, Description), fail }. %% tokencount(-TokenCount) % % This predicate stores the overall number of tokens. :- dynamic tokencount/1. %% reset_progress_record(+TokenList) % % This predicate resets the record about how far the parser proceeded in the token list. Furthermore, it % initializes the record for the new token list. reset_progress_record(TokenList) :- retractall(position(_)), record_position(TokenList, TokenList), retractall(tokencount(_)), length(TokenList, Length), assert(tokencount(Length)), !. %% get_unparsed_tokens_number(-Number) % % This predicate returns the smallest number of tokens that were not parsed (since the record was reset). get_unparsed_tokens_number(Number) :- position(First), findall(P, position(P), Positions), get_minimum(Positions, First, Number). %% position(-Position) % % This predicate stores the positions, i.e. number of tokens that are not (yet) parsed. :- dynamic position/1. %% get_positive_position(-Position) % % This predicate can be used as a DCG rule. It reads no token but returns the position in a positive % way, i.e. starting from the beginning of the list not from the end. get_positive_position(Position, Tokens, Tokens) :- length(Tokens, Length), tokencount(TokenCount), Position is TokenCount - Length, !. %% record_position(+ListIn, ?ListOut) % % This predicate can be used as a DCG rule. Is reads nothing, but records the position. record_position(List, List) :- length(List, Length), record_position(Length). %% record_position(+Pos) % % This predicates records the position Pos (which is the number of unparsed tokens) if it is not % already recorded. record_position(Pos) :- position(Pos), !. record_position(Pos) :- assert(position(Pos)). %% get_minimum(+List, +TempMin, -Min) % % Returns the minimal value of the list or TempMin, whichever is smaller. get_minimum([], M, M). get_minimum([N|Rest], Temp, M) :- N < Temp, !, get_minimum(Rest, N, M). get_minimum([_|Rest], Temp, M) :- get_minimum(Rest, Temp, M).