% This file is part of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE). % Copyright 2008, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch). % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Attempto % Parsing Engine (APE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. :- module(drs_to_xml, [ drs_to_xmlatom/2, % +DRS, -XMLAtom drs_to_xmlterm/2 % +DRS, -XMLTerm ]). /** XML markup generation for Attempto DRS This module creates an XML representation for an Attempto DRS (as generated by APE). @author Tobias Kuhn @version 2009-03-16 */ :- use_module(xmlterm_to_xmlatom, [ xmlterm_to_xmlatom/2 ]). % The following operators are used in the DRS. :- op(400, fx, -). :- op(400, fx, ~). :- op(400, fx, <>). :- op(400, fx, []). :- op(500, xfx, =>). :- op(500, xfx, v). %% drs_to_xmlatom(+DRS, -XMLAtom) is det % % Generates an XML representation (as an atom) for the DRS. drs_to_xmlatom(DRS, XMLAtom) :- copy_term(DRS, DRSCopy), numbervars(DRSCopy, 0, _), drs_to_xmlterm(DRSCopy, XMLTerm), xmlterm_to_xmlatom(XMLTerm, XMLAtom). %% drs_to_xmlterm(+DRS, -XMLTerm) is det % % Generates a Prolog-style XML representation (using element/3) for % the DRS. drs_to_xmlterm(drs(Dom, Conds), element('DRS', [domain=DomC], Content)) :- convert_vars(Dom, DomC), convert_conds(Conds, Content). %% write_nv(+Arg, +Term) is det % % Writes Term onto the standard output. The variable representations % '$VAR'(_) are printed as capital letters A, B, C, etc. Together with the % format_predicate declaration, this allows us to use the placeholder '~v' % in format/3. write_nv(_, Term) :- write_term(Term, [numbervars(true)]). % '~v' in format/3 is used to pretty print variables. :- format_predicate(v, write_nv(_Arg, _Term)). %% convert(+Term, -Atom) is det % % Converts Term into an atom. The variable representations '$VAR'(_) are % pretty printed as capital letters. convert(In, Out) :- format(atom(Out), '~v', [In]). %% convert_vars(+VarList, -Atom) is det % % Converts a list of variables into an atom that contains the variable names % separated by blank spaces. convert_vars([], ''). % no blank space added, if there is only one variable convert_vars([V], Out) :- convert(V, Out), !. convert_vars([V|Rest], Out) :- convert_vars(Rest, OutRest), convert(V, OutV), atom_concat(' ', OutRest, OutTemp), atom_concat(OutV, OutTemp, Out). %% convert_conds(+CondList, -XMLTerm) is det % % Generates a Prolog-style XML representation for the list of conditions. convert_conds([], []). convert_conds([Term-SentenceID/TokenID|RestIn], [element(Name, AttsC, [])|RestOut]) :- Term =.. [Name|Atts], create_attlist(Name, Atts, AttsTemp), append(AttsTemp, [sentid=SentenceID, tokid=TokenID], AttsC), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([- DRSIn|RestIn], [element('Negation', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([~ DRSIn|RestIn], [element('NAF', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([<> DRSIn|RestIn], [element('Possibility', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([[] DRSIn|RestIn], [element('Necessity', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([should(DRSIn)|RestIn], [element('Recommendation', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([may(DRSIn)|RestIn], [element('Admissibility', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([question(DRSIn)|RestIn], [element('Question', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([command(DRSIn)|RestIn], [element('Command', [], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([CondsIn|RestIn], [element('PredicateGroup', [], CondsOut)|RestOut]) :- is_list(CondsIn), convert_conds(CondsIn, CondsOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([DRSIn1 => DRSIn2|RestIn], [element('Implication', [], [DRSOut1,DRSOut2])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn1, DRSOut1), drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn2, DRSOut2), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([DRSIn1 v DRSIn2|RestIn], [element('Disjunction', [], [DRSOut1,DRSOut2])|RestOut]) :- drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn1, DRSOut1), drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn2, DRSOut2), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). convert_conds([V:DRSIn|RestIn], [element('Proposition', [ref=VC], [DRSOut])|RestOut]) :- convert(V, VC), drs_to_xmlterm(DRSIn, DRSOut), convert_conds(RestIn, RestOut). %% create_attlist(+PredName, +ArgList, -XMLTerm) is det % % Creates a list of name/value pairs for the arguments ArgList of the % predicate PredName. create_attlist(modifier_pp, [X,Prep,Y], [ref=XC,prep=Prep,obj=YC]) :- convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC). create_attlist(modifier_adv, [X,Adv,Deg], [ref=XC,adverb=Adv,degree=Deg]) :- convert(X, XC). create_attlist(object, [X,Noun,S,I,J,N], [ref=XC,noun=Noun,struct=S,unit=I,numrel=J,num=N]) :- convert(X, XC). create_attlist(predicate, [E,Verb,X], [ref=EC,verb=Verb,subj=XC]) :- convert(E, EC), convert(X, XC). create_attlist(predicate, [E,Verb,X,Y], [ref=EC,verb=Verb,subj=XC,obj=YC]) :- var_or_expr(Y), convert(E, EC), convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC). create_attlist(predicate, [E,Verb,X,Y,Z], [ref=EC,verb=Verb,subj=XC,obj=YC,indobj=ZC]) :- var_or_expr(Z), convert(E, EC), convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC), convert(Z, ZC). create_attlist(has_part, [X,Y], [group=XC,member=YC]) :- convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC). create_attlist(property, [X,Adj,Deg], [ref=XC,adj=Adj,degree=Deg]) :- convert(X, XC). create_attlist(property, [X,Adj,Deg,Y], [ref=XC,adj=Adj,degree=Deg,obj=YC]) :- var_or_expr(Y), convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC). create_attlist(property, [X,Adj,Y,Deg,CompTarget,Z], [ref=XC,adj=Adj,obj1=YC,degree=Deg,comptarget=CompTarget,obj2=ZC]) :- convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC), convert(Z, ZC). create_attlist(query, [X,Q], [obj=XC,question=Q]) :- convert(X, XC). create_attlist(relation, [X,R,Y], [obj1=XC,rel=R,obj2=YC]) :- convert(X, XC), convert(Y, YC). create_attlist(formula, [A,O,B], [obj1=AC,op=O,obj2=BC]) :- convert(A, AC), convert(B, BC). %% var_or_expr(+Term) is det % % Succeeds if the term is a (numbervared) variable or an ACE expression. var_or_expr(X) :- X =.. [F,_|_], member(F, ['$VAR', string, int, real, expr, set, list, named]).