University of Zurich University of Zurich University of Zurich

Attempto Downloads

Attempto Parsing Engine (APE)

The source code of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) plus some related tools is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License, on GitHub:

APE is written in Prolog, specifically SWI-Prolog. In order to use APE, you must install SWI-Prolog and its packages (minimally: clib, sgml and http) first. Recent versions of SWI-Prolog (5.6.57 and higher) should be OK. SWI-Prolog is available in a pre-compiled form for Windows, Mac OS X and many Linux distributions.

There is an easy-to-use command-line tool ape.exe, which provides an interface to APE and the other modules. For example, executing:

./ape.exe -text "Every man is a human." -solo drsxml

will output the DRS of the ACE sentence "Every man is a human." in XML.

To compile this command-line tool, just execute (or make_exe.bat, if you are using Windows).

APE also comes with a Java interface.

Furthermore, there is a content words lexicon with ~100,000 entries under the GNU General Public License.


AceWiki and the ACE Editor are hosted on GitHub too:

Previously, AceWiki was hosted on Launchpad:

Older versions

Older versions can be downloaded here:

last updated: 23 Sep 2013 [back to top | home]