ACE can be described by itself.

The paper "ACE can be described by itself." is fully written in ACE and has been published in the following Festschrift:

Norbert E. Fuchs, Kaarel Kaljurand, and Tobias Kuhn. ACE can be described by itself. In Simon Clematide, Manfred Klenner, and Martin Volk, editors, Searching Answers — Festschrift in Honour of Michael Hess on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, pages 45–48. Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2009. [PDF | BibTeX]

The files below contain the plain ACE text and the lexicon file with the used words:

The following command can be used to parse the text with APE:

ape.exe -file festschrift.ace.txt -ulexfile -cdrspp -cparaphrase -noclex