Shortcomings: cannot copy content from one language to the other, cannot ask questions, cannot check that the different versions of an article in different languages are about the same thing.
France borders Spain and it borders Portugal.
)Every country borders a country.
)Every EU-country borders a country that is a EU-country and is a NATO-country.
)Every country that does not border a sea is a landlocked-country.
Which country is a landlocked-country?
border : Country -> Country -> Relation
border x y = x!Nom + "borders" + y!Nom
border x y = x!Gen + "naaber on" + y!Nom
An ACE grammar implemented in GF adds multiple natural languages as front-ends to ACE. As a result, these languages can be mapped to and from various formal languages already supported by ACE.
Jedes Land, das nicht an ein Meer grenzt, ist ein Binnenland.
ACE-in-GF tree
baseText (sText (s (vpS (everyNP (relCN (cn_as_VarCN country_CN)
(neg_predRS which_RP (v2VP border_V2 (thereNP_as_NP
(aNP (cn_as_VarCN sea_CN))))))) (npVP (thereNP_as_NP
(aNP (cn_as_VarCN landlocked_country_CN)))))))
Every country that does not border a sea is a landlocked-country.
ObjectSomeValuesFrom( :border :sea )
More development effort has gone into German, Spanish and Finnish. Other implementations have holes in the coverage of ACE constructs that are not provided by the RGL.
ACE: every person that speaks a language X does not forget X . Bul: всеки човек който говори език X не забравя X . Cat: cada persona que parla una llengua X no oblida X . Chi: 说 一 种 X 语 言 的 每 个 人 没 忘 X 。 Dan: hver person , som taler et sprog X glemmer ikke X . Dut: elke persoon , dat een taal X spreekt vergeet niet X . Fin: jokainen henkilö , joka puhuu kieltä X ei unohda X:ää . Fre: chaque personne qui parle une langue X n' oublie pas X . Ger: jede Person , die eine Sprache X spricht vergißt X nicht . Gre: κάθε πρόσωπο που μιλά μία γλώσσα τον X δεν ξεχνά τον X . Hin: हर [person_CN] , जो [language_CN] X बोलता है X नहीं भूलता है . Ita: ogni persona che parla una lingua X non dimentica X . Lav: ikviena persona , kas saka valodu X neaizmirst X . Nor: hver person , som snakker et språk X glemmer ikke X . Pol: każda osoba , która rozmawia z językiem X nie zapomina X . Ron: orice persoană care vorbeşte o limbă X nu îl uită pe X . Rus: каждый лицo , который говорит на языке X не забывает X . Spa: cada persona que habla una lengua X no olvida X . Swe: varje person , som talar ett språk X glömmer inte X . Tha: บุคคล ทุก คน ที่ พูด ภาษา X ไม่ ลืม X Urd: ہر شخص , جو زبان X بولتا ہے X نہیں بھولتا ہے
Depicted are the ACE version and the German version (containing the look-ahead editor).
Note that the UI is language dependent.
Ambiguity between object and subject relative clause. Occurs in German and Dutch. The wiki users can choose the correct tree by looking at the tree set in a language other than German, e.g. DisambGer (if it exists).
GF source editing is available in the GF Cloud Service. AceWiki-GF just reflects that. Some types of errors can be pinpointed.
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