Class VerbalizerWebservice

  extended by ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.owl.VerbalizerWebservice

public class VerbalizerWebservice
extends java.lang.Object

This is a simple interface to the OWL verbalizer. OWL verbalizer is a tool that translates an OWL 2 ontology into an ACE text. It expects the ontology to be represented in the OWL 2 XML serialization syntax. The version of the OWL 2 XML syntax that the OWL verbalizer supports is described in
The OWL verbalizer accepts one parameter, xml, the value of which is the complete ontology as string. The OWL verbalizer returns the ACE representation of the ontology as plain text (string). In case the verbalizer fails to process an OWL axiom in the ontology, an error message is returned between ACE comment symbols. Note that future versions of the OWL verbalizer (and as a result this interface) will expect a different input format (because the OWL 2 XML specification will be updated) and probably produce a different output format (a more structured one, where e.g. error messages are represented differently).

Kaarel Kaljurand

Constructor Summary
VerbalizerWebservice(java.lang.String url)
          Constructs a new VerbalizerWebservice object on the basis of the URL of the OWL verbalizer webservice.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String call(java.lang.String xml)
          Calls the OWL verbalizer webservice by giving the string representation of an XML-formatted ontology as input.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VerbalizerWebservice(java.lang.String url)
Constructs a new VerbalizerWebservice object on the basis of the URL of the OWL verbalizer webservice.

url - The URL of the OWL verbalizer webservice.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String call(java.lang.String xml)
Calls the OWL verbalizer webservice by giving the string representation of an XML-formatted ontology as input. Returns the corresponding ACE text with possible error messages as comments.

xml - XML-representation of an OWL ontology.
ACE text that corresponds to the ontology.

Copyright 2008-2010, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see