[Attempto] Generate ACE sinppets for an OWL class

Jiang, Guoqian, Ph.D. Jiang.Guoqian at mayo.edu
Wed Dec 17 05:30:10 CET 2008


>2. Write a program using the OWL API which:

>2.1. Loads your OWL ontology
>2.2. Walks over all the axioms that the ontology contains
>2.3. If an axiom references your class then places it into a fresh
>2.4. Serializes this ontology as OWL 2 XML
>2.5. Sends the serialization to the OWL verbalizer webservice
>2.6. Gets back the ACE snippet and does something with it
>2.7. Goes to step 2.3 until done.

While this algorithm works well (Thanks a lot), I would like to ask a
few of questions.

The first question is about the definitions of ace snippet and sentence.

In aceview webpage, I have seen that "Snippet is a short sequence of one
or more ACE sentences. Usually just one sentence." 

Is an ace snippet a set of all sentences generated from an axiom of a
specific OWL Class?

The second question is about performance. Put an axiom in a fresh
ontology and then serialize,  owl verbalize through webservice, it works
but performance seems not optimal. Any idea about this? I noticed that
aceview plugin verbalizes the entire ontology while loading the plugin.



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