[Attempto] AceWiki entry [...]

George Herson gherson at snet.net
Sun Dec 20 02:08:15 CET 2009


> > Should a Determiner word category ("at least <number>", etc) appear in
> > the Sentence Editor when predicted?
> Do you propose that "at least <number>" should appear instead of just "at least"? That could be helpful indeed. 
> Maybe even "at least <number> <noun>"...

Yes, where "at least" has to be followed by a number and noun.

Can you post your todo list / roadmap?  (Maybe as a list of comments to an Article of http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/webapps/acewikiattempto/ would be appropriate, if tampering could be controlled.)

For the todo list:  a way to edit a word mid-sentence without deleting the words that follow it.

Is there a good way yet to put a clex_lexicon.pl in use for AceWiki?  Do we need a program to translate it into ape/data/<wiki name>/<article #> files?

do we specify an optional item, e.g., "Every sentence contains at least
0 or more adverbs"?  Entering 0 after "at least" wasn't an option: the
function list starts at 1.   

What exactly was meant by adding "data properties" to AceWiki in your post https://lists.ifi.uzh.ch/pipermail/attempto/2009-July/000292.html?  ("I put "data properties" with a high priority on my todo-list.")  I'm also interested in an AceWiki interface to relational databases.

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