[Attempto] AceWiki entry [...]

Tobias Kuhn t.kuhn at gmx.ch
Tue Dec 22 13:34:16 CET 2009


> I agree a good predictive editor is crucial (i suggested one to you pre-preditor).  But why would it be very difficult to include one into MediaWiki?  MediaWiki is open source PHP and MySQL.  Does it get easier than that?  Just like AceWiki has Add Sentence and Add Comment, so could a MediaWiki interface launch a predictive editor when the first option is taken.  Does Java have much better hooks for Prolog than PHP?

I meant that it could be difficult to include a dynamic AJAX-based predictive editor (preferably in 
an internal window) into the existing static MediaWiki interface. But maybe I am wrong and it's not 
difficult at all.


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