[Attempto] RACE Web Service problem

Joshua TAYLOR tayloj at cs.rpi.edu
Wed Mar 25 15:42:45 CET 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Calin Bindea <bindea.calin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> One other quick question related to RACE:
> I am working on the following Axioms:
> Resource1 is a resource. Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX 10.
> How can a user ask for the hasCoordinateX of Resource1 ?
> I tried: "What v:hasCoordinateX Resource1?" but i got:
> Query cannot be answered.
> The following parts of the theorems/query could not be proved:
> transitive verb: hasXCoordinate
> query(_G12621, what)
> Thanks,
> Calin Bindea.

I'm not a RACE/ACE developer, but the question looked interesting.
Using the RACE Webclient, the following works:

Axioms: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX Coordinate10.
Query: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX what?
Parameters: si st ot sdt dodt iodt sti aux fpo
The following minimal subsets of the axioms answer the query:
    * Subset 1
          o 1: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX Coordinate10.
          o Prolog Axiom w4: If there are named non-human objects then
the question "who" can be answered.

Which is similar to your query, rather than 10, has Coordinate10. (The
syntax of the question was a bit different, too.)  From this I
wondered if the problem was with number related things, so I went on

Axioms: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX 10 points.
Query: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX what?
Parameters: si st ot sdt dodt iodt sti aux fpo
The following minimal subsets of the axioms answer the query:
    * Subset 1
          o 1: Resource1 v:hasCoordinateX 10 points.
          o Prolog Axiom w3: If there are countable non-human objects
then the question "who" can be answered.

The query is still answered here. Wondering whether other kinds of
arithmetic terms [1] might work, I also tried: "10", [10], (10), but
none worked. Now I'm curious: does RACE support queries whose answers
are arithmetic terms? The ACE syntax for questions [2] doesn't show
any such examples.

//Joshua Taylor

[1] http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/docs/syntax_report.html#ArithmeticTerms
[2] http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/docs/syntax_report.html#Questions

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