[Attempto] ACE Verbalizer server error

Kaarel Kaljurand kaljurand at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 09:55:44 CEST 2009


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 00:37, John Gilman <c02city at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm getting an error when I try to access a locally running ACE to OWL
> verbalizer using the verbalizer's http server on 5123.   I've tested it
> using http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/test/owl_to_ace_localhost.html and I get
> the following error:

I don't know what could be the problem. I've just tested it on Ubuntu 8.04,
with SWI-Prolog 5.6.47, OWL Verbalizer 090602, and Firefox 3.0.14.
It worked. It could be that some other underlying platform exposes
a problem in the OWL verbalizer. What is your exact platform (e.g. version
of SWI-Prolog)? Does the verbalizer otherwise work, i.e. if used on
the commandline
with the -owlfile parameter?

The way I've just tested it is the following:

1. Download the latest OWL verbalizer, e.g. using wget:

wget http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/downloads/files/owl_verbalizer-090602_unofficial.zip

2. Unpack it, e.g. using unzip:

unzip owl_verbalizer-090602_unofficial.zip

3. Compile the executable, e.g.

sh make_exe.sh

4. Test if it works using the -owlfile parameter:

./owl_to_ace.exe -owlfile examples/example1.owx

As a result, some ACE text is printed to STDOUT.

5. Start the verbalizer webservice on port 5123:

./owl_to_ace.exe -httpserver -port 5123

As a result "Starting owl_to_ace at port 5123 ..." is printed to STDOUT.

6. Go to http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/test/owl_to_ace_localhost.html and
press "Verbalize"

The result should be "Johh is a man."

Btw, soon I'm going to release a new version of the verbalizer that has improved
support for the latest OWL 2 syntax, e.g. the OWL/XML that is produced
by OWL-API 3 and Protege 4.1 (which uses OWL-API 3). The new version
will be backwards compatible, i.e. the inputs which are accepted in
v090602 should
still work in the new version.


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