[Attempto] New version of RACE

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Thu Mar 31 18:42:05 CEST 2011

Hi everyone

A new version of the ACE reasoner RACE is available via its web-interface


I completely restructured RACE with the effect that this version is leaner and much faster than the previous one. (Since the Attempto server is an old Macintosh the speed-up is not as noticeable on the web-site as locally on my MacBook Pro.) As a consequence of the speed-up two parameters that previously helped to cut down the run-time could be eliminated. Loop detection and checking for inconsistent axioms have been much simplified, in fact are side effects of normal processing. This too reduces RACE's run-time. Furthermore, a number of known bugs were fixed.

This version of RACE covers a larger subset of ACE than the previous one – for instance all generalised quantifiers – but not yet all of ACE.

The final version of RACE ready for public download is not yet available.

I'd appreciate your feedback and your bug-reports.

Best regards.

   --- nef

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