[Attempto] Question about http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/race/

David Whitten whitten at netcom.com
Thu Apr 12 23:43:16 CEST 2012

I was experimenting with RACE, and don't understand the results I get
below, specifically Subset 3 and Subset 6
I can understand that "something" is acting as a name for a constant but
when Something = Mary how do I express
the idea that the substitution is under the constraint of being male ?

*Axioms*: Every man is a human. Every woman is a human. Mary is a woman.
John is a man. Fido is a dog. No dog is a human. John is a male. Fido is a

*Theorems*: Something is a male.


The following minimal subsets of the axioms entail the theorems:

   - Subset 1
      - 7: John is a male.
      - Substitution: something = Fido
   - Subset 2
      - 7: John is a male.
      - Substitution: something = John
   - Subset 3
      - 7: John is a male.
      - Substitution: something = Mary
   - Subset 4
      - 8: Fido is a male.
      - Substitution: something = Fido
   - Subset 5
      - 8: Fido is a male.
      - Substitution: something = John
   - Subset 6
      - 8: Fido is a male.
      - Substitution: something = Mary

overall time: 1.75 sec; RACE time: 0.16 sec
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