[Attempto] "How many" test

Theodore H. Smith delete at elfdata.com
Tue Apr 17 01:45:21 CEST 2012

John is a person.
John has 5 red apples.
John has 3 blue apples.
if an apple is red then the apple is not blue.
if an apple is blue then the apple is not red.

Query: "how many apples does John have?"

	• 2: John has 5 red apples.
	• Substitution: how many = (at least 5) apple

I made the test a little bit hard. It has to realise that, red apples are not blue apples. I don't know how important this is, or how hard it is to do, so I can't say that we should expect attempto to know its at least 8 apples.

If anything, the fact that attempto can tell me John has at least 5 apples impresses me.

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