[Attempto] (How?) Can attempto describe these concepts?

Theodore H. Smith delete at elfdata.com
Mon Mar 26 20:56:37 CEST 2012

Here are some concepts that I'm not sure how attempto can describe.


"In order to drive a car, you must have your hands on the steering wheel"

This "Concept", is that in order to do something (a verb, like drive/fly/draw/etc), you must be a certain "state" to do this.


"in order to kick a ball, you must balance your body"
"in order to run a marathon, you must drink a lot of water"

This "concept", is that in order to do something, you must also do something else. So it's not a "State" like in the previous concept, but an "action".


Can these concepts be described in attempto? Sorry, if my question is ignorant of attempto.

If not, then... can these be described in... "discourse representation structures", or "first order logic" or whatever you are using to describe stuff.

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