[Attempto] Workflow management and no-code apps creation

Igor Kryltsov kryltsov at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 14:01:09 CET 2020

Hi Norbert,

Thank you very much for the answers and guides!

>> I see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/docs/ace_constructionrules.html (Proper
Names) but no example of how to make definitions of not proper concepts so
to speak.
>This I do not understand. What are "not proper concepts"?

If I want to define 'Lessons' as an application name and refer to it as a
named entity in further statements.
'Lessons' is an application. 'Lessons' application contains lessons

For example, using familiar terms

'XYZ' is an application. 'XYZ' contains one or more projects. Every project
contains tasks.
I want to define:
'Lessons' is an application. 'Lessons' contains one or more lessons. Every
lesson contains tasks.

Would it be a better way to go (assuming I will learn construction and
interpretation rules) to do this:

'Lessons' is an application.
'Lessons' contains one or more projects.
A project contains one or more tasks.
Projects in 'Lessons' are called 'lesson'.

This way I create a knowledge base that connects specifics of 'Lessons'
(application a user may create to create piano lessons on Youtube) with the
general knowledge that tasks are parts of projects.

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