[Attempto] Workflow management and no-code apps creation

Norbert E. Fuchs fuchs at ifi.uzh.ch
Sat Dec 26 08:58:05 CET 2020

> On 26 Dec 2020, at 24:09 , Pierre-Alexandre Voye <ontologiae at gmail.com> wrote:
> ... "Lessons" is an application. ...

Pierre-Alexandre Voye

Two comments.

First I do not understand why do you define the word lessons as the string "Lessons", i.e. as a sequence of Unicode characters? Why not define it simply as a noun? In this case your sentence should probably read

Every lesson is an application. 

Note that other than Igor I introduce lessons as a universally quantified noun.

Second, of course you can use the terminal command

$ ./ape.exe -ulexfile lexicon/clex_lexicon.pl -cdrs  -cparaphrase1

but the output you are looking for is much easier to be seen when you use the web-interface of APE at http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/resources/.


   --- nef

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