[Attempto] Install Help AceWiki

Martin Stange stange at in.tum.de
Sat Dec 27 15:38:36 CET 2008


I'm trying to get AceWiki running on my notebook.

I did the following:
- compiled version 0.2.11
- created the war-file
- put the war-file in Tomcat webapps dir (version 5.5.27)
- added option "-Djava.library.path=D:\Program Files\pl\bin" to Tomcat 
java parameters
- installed swoi-prolog
- created ape.exe
- put D:\Program Files\pl\bin;D:\Program Files\ape to global and local PATH
- started Tomcat and called the acewiki-website

but all I get ist

||| (three pipes) and an error message-window with:

"Invalid/unknown response from server: "

Tomcat is not running anymore, but therse are no messages in the 
log-files except:
'Dienst "Apache Tomcat" wurde unerwartet beendet. Dies ist bereits 16 
Mal passiert.'
(Service Apache Tomcat terminated unexpectedly. This happens the 16th time)
in the windows systems log.

Has someone an idea, what went wrong???

Thanks in advance!!

Martin Stange

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