[Attempto] AceWiki entry [...]

George Herson gherson at snet.net
Sat Dec 19 05:09:58 CET 2009


ok, that and your automatic "Every" versus "There exists" hint is very helpful.  Now I have "Every logic program is a set of at least 1 axiom".

I feel there needs to be more help in the wiki for sentence-entering users.  Maybe when a part of speech (e.g., noun) can't be chosen, clicking Help will reveal the likeliest reasons why, at that point in construction.   

Should a Determiner word category ("at least <number>", etc) appear in the Sentence Editor when predicted?

Small items:

The Sentence Editor needs height, but the height of the Word Editor and
Word Creator dialog boxes sometimes unnecessarily push the OK and Cancel
buttons out of easy reach.

To save a second or two creating words, maybe the plural can default to the singular + 's'


From: Tobias Kuhn <t.kuhn at gmx.ch>
To: George Herson <gherson at snet.net>
Cc: "attempto at lists.ifi.uzh.ch" <attempto at lists.ifi.uzh.ch>
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 4:08:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Attempto] AceWiki entry and deletion


Bare plurals (i.e. plurals without a determiner) are not supported in ACE. Instead you can say for 
example "A logic program is a set of at least 1 axiom".

In ACE, you could also say "A logic program is a set of some axioms" but this is not supported by 
AceWiki at the moment (because the exact meaning of "some" might be unclear to users).


On 17.12.09 19:09, George Herson wrote:
> Hi again,
> How would one enter sentence "A logic program is a set of axioms" into AceWiki?  In the sentence editor I've entered "A logic program is a set of..." and "proper name" is a continuation choice but "noun" isn't.  (I've defined "logic program" and "set of" as nouns.)
> Also, what's the best way to delete from AceWiki a word we've defined?
> thanks
> George
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