[Attempto] APE Webservice to translate ACE text to owl

Alireza alireza.khoshkbari at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 15:49:03 CET 2009

Dear ACE team,
I’m going to use APE Webservice to translate ACE text to owl. The output of
the web service for the text “Every+man+is+a+human.” Is as follows:

<rdf:RDF xml:base="http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ontologies/owlswrl/test">
<owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#man">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#human"/>

However, the above script is not a valid owl code due to the lack of
namespace declaration and provokes errors. Moreover it needs some other
modification to get flawless for reading as an owl file in Jena package or
Protégé. The following code is corrected form of the above code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="man">
<owl:Class rdf:ID="human"/>

As I needed to call and use the APE web service directly in my project, I’m
wondering whether the web service can generate the flawless owl code or I
should modify automatically the output, before using in the project.
Thank you.
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