[Attempto] or is interpreted as inclusive or , or xor?

Gabriele Kahlout gabriele at mysimpatico.com
Mon Sep 20 18:32:00 CEST 2010

Excellent reply!

I think it would be useful if ACE/APE supported 'I', then
> one could use ACE e.g. to communicate to his/her iPhone and Facebook
> notions like "my friends and followers", "my location", etc.
> I do think the same. I think ACE could be used for localization/machine
translation as well, as is done by CMU (with their own cnl) in

> --
> kaarel

K. Gabriele

--- unchanged since 20/9/10 ---
P.S. If the subject contains "[LON]" or the addressee acknowledges the
receipt within 48 hours then I don't resend the email.
subject(this) ∈ L(LON*) ∨ ∃x. (x ∈ MyInbox ∧ Acknowledges(x, this) ∧ time(x)
< Now + 48h) ⇒ ¬resend(I, this).

If an email is sent by a sender that is not a trusted contact or the email
does not contain a valid code then the email is not received. A valid code
starts with a hyphen and ends with "X".
∀x. x ∈ MyInbox ⇒ from(x) ∈ MySafeSenderList ∨ (∃y. y ∈ subject(x) ∧ y ∈
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