[Attempto] APE integrated into EulerGUI tool

Jean-Marc Vanel jeanmarc.vanel at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 08:52:19 CEST 2012


The ATTEMPTO Parse Engine (APE) is now APE integrated into EulerGUI
Semantic Web tool.

This a basic integration.
It means that one can create or open an existing ACE file or URL (with the
file suffix .ace or .txt ).
Then one edits it in the editor (click on button "ORIGINAL") . When saving
the file (with Control-S), the executable ape.exe (which must be in the
path) is automatically launched with the arguments:
-solo owlxml <file.ace>
Then the APE output is visible by clicking on the leftmost button
<file.ace> , as an N3 file.
Since this N3 is part of the current EulerGUI, it is available to the rule
As for a "real" OWL or RDFS file, adding an ACE to the project also
triggers the generation of rules from the OWL statements, and the SWRL, if
there is some.

As a icon for APE, I reused the ACEWiki icon.
Note that using lexicons taylored for each vocabulary like it was presented
at CNL 2012 [1] would require more "GUI sugar" .
Also, the base URI used by APE is cannot be specified in this version.
Errors are presented in  a crude way.
No completion is available in the editor at the moment. But certainly  some
of the code in ACEWiki could be reused. Anyway completion is not available
at the moment in the EulerGUI jEdit editor for any syntax, but it is on the

Squall Controlled Natural Language [2] for SPARQL 1.1. is also integrated
in a similar way  (the executable squall2sparql must be in the path) .

[2] http://www.irisa.fr/LIS/softwares/squall/

Download : this is a snapshot; take the latest jar-with-dependencies.jar in

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
chat :  irc://irc.freenode.net#eulergui
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