[Attempto] How to construct this syntax?

Joshua TAYLOR joshuaaaron at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 01:40:17 CET 2015

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:22 PM, luke wallace <lukewallace1990 at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://i.imgur.com/GXEOu4J.png
> screenshot showing that "between", the third word in your solution, is not
> possible in the ACE editor.
> this is the same pitfall I had for all the ways I tried to construct it.

While the sentence I provided doesn't perfectly capture the sentence
you started with, it *does* allow the word "between", and it does
parse.  You can try it out at the web client at
http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ape/.  The generated paraphase shows where
some of the issues are:

"""There are a ceiling and a n:deflector of a sprinkler X1.
There is a distance X2.
It is necessary that the distance X2 is smaller than 305 mm through a
n:coverage-area of the sprinkler X1.
It is necessary that the distance X2 is greater than 25.4 mm between they."""

Seeing where the problems are suggests ways to fix it.  For instance,
adding "that is" gets us to

"A distance that is between a sprinkler's n:deflector and a ceiling must be
greater than 25.4 mm and must be smaller than 305 mm through the
sprinkler's n:coverage-area."

which paraphrases as:

"""There is a distance X1.

The distance X1 is between a ceiling and a n:deflector of a sprinkler X2.
It is necessary that the distance X1 is smaller than 305 mm through a
n:coverage-area of the sprinkler X2.
It is necessary that the distance X1 is greater than 25.4 mm."""

That's getting pretty close to what you need, I think.

Joshua Taylor, http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~tayloj/

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