[Attempto] Aceview+Protege viability for Standards Writing?

luke wallace lukewallace1990 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 05:41:23 CET 2015

I have a standards document (Think ISO standards, or ASTM specifications)
with lots of requirements, rules, and conditions and limits applying to
those rules and requirements. I want to model all of this in Aceview using
Protege mainly for the purpose of revealing the hierarchy and order all of
these messy rules have behind the scenes. I also want to use it to create a
more logically structured and unambigious version of the standard using the
completed ontology as a reference. It would also be nice to possibly query
the ontology and get answers but that's not my goal.

I have been reading the Aceview+Protege examples provided by the attempto
website at http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/aceview/examples/ and see a lot of
comments saying "experimental" "doesn't do this, doesn't do that yet"
"creates errors if you do this or word it this way" and it's making me
think that maybe this technology isn't mature enough yet for something like

Can someone knowledgeable tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree?
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