Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki

This package contains AceWiki which is a semantic wiki engine.


Interface Summary
Task This interface describes a task that should be performed asynchronously (because it is potentially time-consuming and should not delay the GUI).

Class Summary
AceWikiServlet This servlet class is used by the web server to start AceWiki.
Backend This class is used as the backend of an AceWiki.
BackendServlet This class is a servlet that creates a Backend object and shares it with the AceWiki servlet.
Wiki This class represents an AceWiki wiki instance (including its graphical user interface).

Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki Description

This package contains AceWiki which is a semantic wiki engine. See the AceWiki homepage for details. AceWiki uses the Echo Web Framework. AceWikiServlet is the Java Servlet class that should be launched by the web server.

Tobias Kuhn

Copyright 2008-2012, AceWiki developers