AboutPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page with information about the respective wiki.
AboutPage(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AboutPage
Creates a new about page.
AbstractAceWikiEngine - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is a partial implementation of an AceWiki engine.
AbstractAceWikiEngine() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
AbstractLanguageHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is a partial implementation of a language handler.
AbstractLanguageHandler() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractLanguageHandler
AbstractOntologyElement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is a partial implementation of an ontology element.
AbstractOntologyElement() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
AbstractOption - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class represents an option (in an abstract way) how a partial sentence can be continued.
AbstractOWLOntoElement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This is a partial implementation of an ontology element that has an OWL representation.
AbstractOWLOntoElement() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AbstractOWLOntoElement
AbstractSentence - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class is a partial implementation of a sentence.
AbstractSentence() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
AbstractStatement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a statement that can be either an ACE sentence or a comment.
AbstractStatement() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
Initializes a new independent statement.
ACEDeclaration - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class represents declarative ACE sentences (asserted or inferred).
ACEDeclaration(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEDeclaration
Creates a new declarative ACE sentence.
ACEDeclaration(TextContainer) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEDeclaration
Creates a new declarative ACE sentence.
ACEEditor - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor
This is the main class of the ACE Editor web application.
ACEEditor(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Creates a new ACE Editor application.
ACEEditorGrammar - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor
This grammar class is automatically generated on the basis of a file in Codeco notation.
ACEEditorGrammar() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditorGrammar
Creates a new grammar object.
ACEEditorServlet - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor
This servlet class is used by the web server to start the ACE Editor web application.
ACEEditorServlet() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditorServlet
Creates a new servlet for the ACE Editor web application.
ACEGrammar - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This grammar class is automatically generated on the basis of a file in Codeco notation.
ACEGrammar() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEGrammar
Creates a new grammar object.
ACEHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This is a language handler implementation for ACE.
ACEHandler() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
Creates a new language handler for ACE.
ACELexiconExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This exporter generates a lexicon file in the ACE lexicon format containing all the words used in the knowledge base.
ACELexiconExporter() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
ACEOWLEngine - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This is the AceWiki language engine for ACE/OWL.
ACEOWLEngine() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
Creates a new language engine for ACE/OWL.
ACEOWLLexicon - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class manages the lexical entries for AceWiki.
ACEOWLLexicon() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
Creates a new lexicon manager.
ACEOWLOntoElement - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This interface represents an OWL ontology element with lexical entries that define its ACE representation.
ACEQuestion - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class represents ACE questions.
ACEQuestion(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
Creates a new ACE question.
ACEQuestion(TextContainer) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
Creates a new ACE question
ACESentence - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class represents an ACE sentence, which can be either a declarative sentence or a question.
ACESentence(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
Initializes a new ACE sentence.
ACESentence(TextContainer) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
Initializes a new ACE sentence.
ACETextExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This exporter generates a file that contains the complete ontology as one ACE text.
ACETextExporter(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
Creates a new ACE text exporter.
ACETextOperator - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This is the text operator used for the ACE/OWL language engine for AceWiki.
ACETextOperator(Ontology) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextOperator
Creates a new text operator.
AceWikiDataExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This exporter generates a file that contains the complete wiki data in a special AceWiki data format.
AceWikiDataExporter() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
AceWikiEngine - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is the main interface for the AceWiki behavior.
AceWikiMenuCreator - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This is the menu creator class that generates the menu entries for the predictive editor on the basis of the AceWiki grammar.
AceWikiMenuCreator(Wiki, OntologyElement, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
Creates a new AceWiki-specific menu creator object.
AceWikiOWLReasoner - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This is a reasoner implementation that connects to an OWL reasoner.
AceWikiOWLReasoner() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Creates a new reasoner object.
AceWikiReasoner - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is the reasoner interface for AceWiki.
AceWikiServlet - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This servlet class is used by the web server to start AceWiki.
AceWikiServlet() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.AceWikiServlet
Creates a new AceWiki servlet object.
AceWikiStorage - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface describes a storage object that can store ontologies and user bases in a persistent manner.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AboutPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.CommentComponent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.CommentEditorHandler
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ConceptPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ExportWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.FormPane
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.LoginWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RegisterWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RelationPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SearchPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentenceComponent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentenceEditorHandler
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StartPage
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.UserWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WebLink
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiLink
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.MessageWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
add(Statement, Statement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Adds one new statement to the article.
add(Statement, List<Statement>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Adds one or more new statements to the article.
addACEEntry(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.NameValueTable
Adds the name/value pair to the table.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Adds a new action-listener.
addButton(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Adds a button to the button bar.
addElement(TextElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Adds the text element to the end of the sequence.
addEntry(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.NameValueTable
Adds the name/value pair to the table.
addExporter(OntologyExporter) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
Adds an exporter to export the wiki content in a certain format.
addExporter(OntologyExporter) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExportManager
Adds an ontology exporter.
addExtensibleCategory(String, String, String, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Adds a grammatical category that is extensible.
addGrammarRule(GrammarRule) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Adds a grammar rule.
addHeadline(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Adds a headline to the page content.
addHeadline(String, Component) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Adds a headline to the page content.
addHorizontalLine() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Adds a horizontal line to the page content.
addLexicalRule(LexicalRule) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Adds a lexical rule.
addMenuEntry(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
Adds a menu entry to the drop down menu.
addMenuGroup(String, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Adds a menu group.
addMenuSeparator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
Adds a separator to the menu.
addNegFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
addNegFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Adds a negative feature map in the case of backward references, or does nothing for all other categories.
addPlainCategory(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Adds a grammatical category that is not extensible.
addPosFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
addPosFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Adds a positive feature map in the case of backward references, or does nothing for all other categories.
addPrefix(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuItemComparator
Adds a prefix.
addRow(String, Component, String, boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Adds a new row to the form.
addSelectedTab(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Adds a new tab to the tab row that is currently selected.
addTab(String, ActionListener) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Adds a new tab to the tab row.
addTab(WordEditorForm) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Adds a new tab containing the given word editor form.
addText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Reads the text and adds it to the end of the current text as far as possible.
addTextElement(TextElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Adds the text element to the end of the text.
addToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
addToken(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Adds the token to the end of the token sequence.
addToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
addTokens(List<String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
addTokens(List<String>) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Adds the tokens to the token list.
addTokens(List<String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
addToUserDataCounter(String, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Adds to a counter in the user data.
Annotation - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a grammar annotation object.
Annotation() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Annotation
Creates a new annotation object.
AnswerElement - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface describes a text element with a specific text representation when it appears as the answer to a question.
APE - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class is used to get an instance of ACEParser by parameters.
APE() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
areCachedConceptsUpToDate(Individual) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns true if the concepts of the given individual are cached and up-to-date and thus do not have to be recalculated.
areCachedIndividualsUpToDate(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns true if the individuals of the given concept are cached and up-to-date and thus do not have to be recalculated.
areCachedSubConceptsUpToDate(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns true if the sub-concepts of the given concept are cached and up-to-date and thus do not have to be recalculated.
areCachedSuperConceptsUpToDate(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns true if the suber-concepts of the given concept are cached and up-to-date and thus do not have to be recalculated.
Article - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a wiki article.
Article(OntologyElement) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Creates a new article for the given ontology element.
ArticlePage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class stands for a wiki page that represents an ontology element and shows the article of this ontology element.
ArticlePage(Wiki, OntologyElement) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
Creates a new article page.
AssignmentsPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page that shows to which concepts a certain individual belongs.
AssignmentsPage(IndividualPage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
Creates a new assignments page.
AToEverySuggestion - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class implements a change suggestions for ACE sentences starting with "a".
autoLogin(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Tries to do an auto-login.


back() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Go to the previous page in the history.
Backend - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This class is used as the backend of an AceWiki.
Backend(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Backend
Creates a new Backend instance for the given parameters.
BackendServlet - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This class is a servlet that creates a Backend object and shares it with the AceWiki servlet.
BackendServlet() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.BackendServlet
BackrefCategory - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class stands for backward refernces.
BackrefCategory() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
Creates a new backward reference.


CachingReasoner - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This reasoner class wraps another reasoner and adds caching functionality.
canUnify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This method detects whether this category can unify with the given category.
canUnify(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
This method detects whether this feature map can unify with the given feature map.
canUnify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
Category - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a grammatical category.
Category() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor
This package contains the ACE Editor which is a web-based editor for ACE texts.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This package contains AceWiki which is a semantic wiki engine.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This package implements an AceWiki language engine with the controlled natural language ACE as the front-end language and the semantic web language OWL as the logical language in the background.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This package contains the core of AceWiki.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This package contains GUI components for AceWiki.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This package contains classes and interfaces for OWL-integration into AceWiki.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This package contains basic classes and interfaces for text handling and predictive parsing.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This package contains a chart parser, concretely an Earley parser, which processes grammars in Codeco notation.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.codeco - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.codeco
This package contains transformation programs for the Codeco notation.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This package contains some basic GUI components using the Echo Web Framework.
ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor - package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This package contains a predicitive editor that uses the Echo Web Framework and that enables easy creation of sentences that comply with a certain grammar.
change(OntologyElement, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Changes the word forms of the given ontology element.
changePassword(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Changes the password for the user.
ChartParser - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This is a chart parser (concretely an Earley parser) that implements the predictive parser interface.
ChartParser(Grammar, String, List<Nonterminal>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Creates a new chart parser for the given grammar.
ChartParser(Grammar, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Creates a new chart parser for the given grammar.
CheckBox - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class represents a check box in blue style.
CheckBox(String, ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.CheckBox
Creates a new check box having a text and an icon.
CheckBox(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.CheckBox
Creates a new check box having only a text.
CheckBox(ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.CheckBox
Creates a new check box having only an icon.
CheckBox() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.CheckBox
Creates a new check box having neither a text nor an icon.
clear() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.NameValueTable
Removes all entries.
clearCookie(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Clears the given cookie on the client.
clearTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Removes all tokens.
clone() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLOntoElement
This method should collect the lexical rules of this ontology element for the given category name.
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
collectLexicalRules(String, Collection<LexicalRule>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
Comment - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a comment that is a part of an article.
Comment(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Comment
Creates a new comment.
COMMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for comments.
CommentComponent - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a comment component consisting of a drop down menu and a comment text.
CommentComponent(Comment, WikiPage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.CommentComponent
Creates a new comment row.
CommentEditorHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class manages the comment editor.
commitSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Commits the sentence.
compare(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuItemComparator
Concept - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents a concept (other terminologies call it "unary relation", "class", or "type").
ConceptPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class stands for an article page showing the article of a concept.
ConceptPage(Concept, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ConceptPage
Creates a new article page for a concept.
ConcreteOption - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class represents an option (in a concrete way) how a partial sentence can be continued.
contains(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
contains(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns true if the given ontology element is contained by the ontology (identity check).
contains(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Checks whether the sentence contains the given ontology element (no matter which word form).
contains(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
containsCategory(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.NextTokenOptions
Returns true if the specifed category represents a possible next token.
containsCategory(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
containsCategory(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
containsCategory(Preterminal) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
Returns true if the given pre-terminal category represents a possible next token.
containsFeatureName(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns whether the given feature name is used in this grammar.
containsNonterminalSymbol(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns whether the given nonterminal symbol is used in this grammar.
containsPreterminalSymbol(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns whether the given preterminal symbol is used in this grammar.
containsTerminalSymbol(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns whether the given terminal symbol is used in this grammar.
containsToken(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.NextTokenOptions
Returns true if the specified token is a possible next token.
containsToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
containsToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
containsUser(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Checks whether a user with the respective name exists.
CPAbstractOption - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents an abstract option for the chart parser.
CPConcreteOption - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a concrete option for the chart parser.
CPNextTokenOptions - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a set of options that describe how a partial text can be continued according to a given grammar, and contains specific code for its use in the chart parser.
create(OntologyElement, Wiki) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
Creates an article page for the given ontology element.
createAssignmentSentence(Individual, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
createAssignmentSentence(Individual, Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Creates a new assignement sentence that assigns a given individual to a given concept.
createAssignmentSentence(Individual, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementFactory
Creates an assignment sentence.
createAssignmentSentence(Individual, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
createComment(String, Article) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementFactory
Creates a new comment.
createHierarchySentence(Concept, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
createHierarchySentence(Concept, Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Creates a new hierarchy sentence that states that a certain concept is a sub-concept of another concept.
createHierarchySentence(Concept, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementFactory
Creates a hierarchy sentence.
createHierarchySentence(Concept, Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
createMenuEntry(ConcreteOption) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
createMenuEntry(ConcreteOption) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
createMenuEntry(ConcreteOption) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuCreator
This method must create and return the menu entry object for the given concrete option.
createOntologyElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
createOntologyElement(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Creates a new ontology element for the given lexical type.
createOntologyElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
createSentence(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
createSentence(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Creates a new sentence object based on the given serialization.
createSentence(String, Article) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementFactory
Creates a new sentence object with the given article.
createSentence(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
createSpecialMenuItems(NextTokenOptions) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
createSpecialMenuItems(NextTokenOptions) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
createSpecialMenuItems(NextTokenOptions) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuCreator
This method should return the special menu items for the given situation (described by the next token options).
createTextElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextOperator
createTextElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.DefaultTextOperator
createTextElement(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextOperator
This method should create a text element for the given text.


darkBackground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The dark background color.
darkDisabled - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The dark color for disabled components
darkForeground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The dark foreground color.
debug(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method can be used to switch on/off debug mode (default is off).
Declaration - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents ACE declarations (declarative sentences).
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Annotation
Creates a deep copy of this annotation object.
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Creates a deep copy of this category.
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Creates a deep copy of this feature map.
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Creates a deep copy of this rule.
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a deep copy of this lexicon entry.
deepCopy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
DefaultMenuCreator - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class is the default implementation of a menu creator.
DefaultMenuCreator() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
DefaultMenuItemComparator - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class represents the default comparator to sort menu items in the menus of the predictive editor.
DefaultMenuItemComparator() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuItemComparator
Creates a new default comparator for menu items.
DefaultTextOperator - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class is the default implementation of a text operator.
DefaultTextOperator() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.DefaultTextOperator
DefaultWordIndex - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class is the default implementation of a word index.
DefaultWordIndex() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
DelayedComponent - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This abstract class can be used to create components that are initialized asynchronously in the background.
DelayedComponent(Component, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
Creates a new delayed component which shows the temporary component until the real component is ready.
DelayedComponent(Component) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
Creates a new delayed component with the given temporary component.
DelayedComponent(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
Creates a new delayed component with no temporary component.
DelayedComponent() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
Creates a new delayed component with no temporary component.
deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Deserializes a serialized representation into a parse state.
dispose() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Cleans up when the object is no longer used.
doFocus() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
This method sets the focus on the first enabled text field of this form.
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AboutPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ConceptPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RelationPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SearchPage
doUpdate() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Updates the page content.
DummyOntologyElement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a "dummy" ontology element, which cannot be part of ontological statements but represents an article.
DummyOntologyElement(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
Creates a new dummy ontology element.
DummyReasoner - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This dummy class is a reasoner without reasoning features.
DummyReasoner() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
DynamicLexicon - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This interface represents a dynamic lexicon that can be used by the chart parser.


edit(Statement, Statement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Edits a statement of the article.
edit(Statement, List<Statement>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Edits a statement of the article.
EditorController - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class controls the behavior and content of the predictive editor.
EditorController() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
elementAdded(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
elementAdded(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method is called by the ontology object when a new ontology element is added.
elementAfterChange(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
elementAfterChange(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method is called just after the word forms of an ontology element have been changed.
elementBeforeChange(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
elementBeforeChange(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method is called just before the word forms of an ontology element are changed.
elementRemoved(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
elementRemoved(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method is called by the ontology object when an ontology element is removed.
EMPTY_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for drop down menus with no statement.
enqueueStrongAsyncTask(String, String, Task) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Runs the task in an asynchronous way and shows a wait window while it is executed.
enqueueTask(Runnable) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Runs the task without showing a wait window while it is executed.
enqueueWeakAsyncTask(Task) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Runs the task in an asynchronous way without showing a wait window.
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AboutPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ErrorPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SearchPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentencePage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StartPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
Two text elements are equals if they share the same text.
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
ErrorPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This page shows an error message.
ErrorPage(Wiki, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ErrorPage
Creates a new error page.
export(OutputStream) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Writes the export content into the given output stream.
exportOWLOntology(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Returns a new OWL ontology object representing the full ontology or the consistent part of it.
ExportWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This is a window that allows the user to choose from different kinds of file types for exporting the current knowledge base.
ExportWindow(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ExportWindow
Creates a new export window.
externalEvent(ExternalEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
extractSentences(TextContainer, PredictiveParser) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
extractSentences(TextContainer, PredictiveParser) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Extracts the sentences from a text container and/or a parser state.
extractSentences(LanguageHandler, TextContainer, PredictiveParser, Article) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementFactory
Extracts sentence objects out of a text container and/or a parser state.
extractSentences(TextContainer, PredictiveParser) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler


featureMap - Variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
The feature map of the category.
FeatureMap - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a set of features consisting of name/value pairs.
FeatureMap() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Creates an empty feature map.
FileBasedStorage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class implements persistent storage features for AceWiki data on the basis of a simple file and folder based system.
FileBasedStorage(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
Creates a new storage object.
finalizeAction() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
Override this method to run code in the appliction context (e.g.
flushElements() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
This method can finalize the loading or unloading of elements.
flushElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
flushElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
flushElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
fontTypeface - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The font typeface.
FormPane - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class describes the basic structure for forms to create and modify words (represented by ontology elements).
FormPane(String, int, WindowPane, Wiki, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.FormPane
Creates a form pane for creating a new word.
FormPane(String, WindowPane, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.FormPane
Creates a form pane for creating a new word.
FormPane(OntologyElement, WindowPane, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.FormPane
Creates a form pane for modifying an existing word.
forward() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Go to the next page in the history.


GeneralButton - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of buttons.
GeneralButton(String, int, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.GeneralButton
Creates a new button.
GeneralButton(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.GeneralButton
Creates a new button.
generateCreationWindow(Statement, ArticlePage) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.CommentEditorHandler
Generates a new comment editor window for the creation of a new comment.
generateCreationWindow(Statement, ArticlePage) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentenceEditorHandler
Generates a new preditive editor window for the creation of a new sentence.
generateEditWindow(Comment, ArticlePage) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.CommentEditorHandler
Generates a new comment editor window for editing an existing comment.
generateEditWindow(Sentence, ArticlePage) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentenceEditorHandler
Generates a new preditive editor window for editing an existing sentence.
get(long) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the ontology element with the given id, or null if there is no such element.
getAbbreviation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
Returns the abbreviation (without definite article) or null if there is no abbreviation.
getAbstractOptions() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.NextTokenOptions
Returns the abstract options.
getAbstractOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
getAbstractOptions(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method returns a set of abstract options describing the possible next tokens at the given position in an abstract way.
getAbstractOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method returns a set of abstract options describing the possible next tokens at the end position in an abstract way.
getAbstractOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
getAbstractOptions(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
Returns the abstract options that have a pre-terminal category with the specified name.
getActionListener() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Returns the action-listener.
getAnnotation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns the annotation object of this rule.
getAnnotation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Returns the annotation object of this rule.
getAnnotation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the annotation object of this node.
getAnnotationItem(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the annotation item for the given annotation item name.
getAnswer(Question) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return a list of ontology elements that answer the given question.
getAnswer(Question) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the answer for the given question.
getAnswer(Question) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getAnswer(Question) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getAnswerText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getAnswerText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getAnswerText() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AnswerElement
Returns the text to be shown when this ontology element is the answer to a question.
getAPELocal(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Get a APELocal instance with specified ape.exe location
getAPESocket(String, int) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Get a APESocket instance with specified host and port
getAPEWebservice(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Get a APEWebservice instance with specified host and port
getApplication() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the application instance object of this wiki.
getArticle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getArticle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
getArticle() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the article of this ontology element.
getArticle() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Statement
Returns the owner ontology element of this statement.
getArticle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
Returns the article object.
getAsciiLambdaSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns an ASCII representation of the semantics tree under lambda interpretation.
getAsciiSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns an ASCII representation of the semantics tree.
getAsciiSynTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns an ASCII representation of the syntax tree.
getAutocompleteTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns the tokens used for autocompletion of sentences.
getBackwardReferences(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Return a list of feature maps that show how the backward references at the given position in the text can be resolved.
getBackwardReferences() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Returns a list of feature maps that show how the backward references at the end of the token sequence can be resolved.
getBody() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns the body category sequence of this grammar rule.
getCachedAnswer(Question) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the cached answer for the given question, or null if no cached answer exists.
getCachedConcepts(Individual) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the cached concepts for the given individual or null if there are no cached concepts.
getCachedIndividuals(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the cached individuals for the given concept or null if there are no cached individuals.
getCachedSubConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the cached sub-concepts for the given concept or null if there are no cached sub-concepts.
getCachedSuperConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the cached super-concepts for the given concept or null if there are no cached super-concepts.
getCategory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
Returns the terminal or pre-terminal category that represents possible next tokens.
getCategory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
Returns the pre-terminal category of this concrete option, or null if no pre-terminal category was involved.
getCategory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Returns the category of the lexical rule.
getCategory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the category of this node.
getCategoryName() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.AbstractOption
Returns the name of the category that represents possible next tokens.
getCategoryName() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.ConcreteOption
Returns the name of the category of this concrete option, or null if there is no such category.
getCategoryName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleAbstractOption
getCategoryName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleConcreteOption
getCategoryName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
getCategoryName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
getChild(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the child at the given position.
getChildren() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the children of this node.
getClientComponentType(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer
getColorShift(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns the color shift for the given menu group.
getColorShift(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
getColorShift(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
getColorShift(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuCreator
This method should return the shift of the color to be used for the given menu block.
getComponentClass() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer
getConcepts(Individual) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return all concepts the given individual belongs to.
getConcepts(Individual) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
getConcepts(Individual) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getConcepts(Individual) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getConcreteOptions() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.NextTokenOptions
Returns the concrete options.
getConcreteOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
getConcreteOptions(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method returns a set of concrete options describing the possible next tokens at the given position in a concrete way.
getConcreteOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method returns a set of concrete options describing the possible next tokens at the end position in a concrete way.
getConcreteOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPNextTokenOptions
getContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuEntry
getContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This method is used to calculate the unique identifier.
getContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
getContentPane() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the content pane containing the wiki GUI.
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the content type for the given export type.
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
getContentType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter
getCookie(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the value of the cookie on the client, or "" if there is no such cookie.
getCurrentTab() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Returns the form of the currently selected tab.
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
Returns the default language.
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounChanger
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounOfChanger
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameChanger
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjChanger
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbChanger
getDescription() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconChanger
Returns the description of the given word type to be shown to the user.
getDescription() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Returns the description of this lexical detail.
getDetails() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounChanger
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounOfChanger
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameChanger
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjChanger
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbChanger
getDetails(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconChanger
Returns a list of lexical details for the given ontology element.
getDetails() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Returns a list of sentence details to be shown to the user.
getDetails(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
getDetails(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Returns a list of sentence details in the given language.
getDetails(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
getEditorController() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
getEditorController() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns the controller object for the predictive editor.
getEditorController() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
getElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
getElement(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the ontology element with the given name, or null if there is no such element.
getElement(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method should return the ontology element with the given word form, or null if there is no such element.
getEndPos() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the end position of this tree.
getEndPos() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the end position.
getEngine() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
Returns the AceWiki engine.
getEngine() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the AceWiki engine.
getEngine() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the AceWiki engine.
getExceptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
This method returns the exceptions.
getExporters() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
getExporters() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns a list of exporters to export the wiki content in different formats.
getExporters() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExportManager
Returns all ontology exporters.
getExtensibleCategories() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns a list of all extensible categories.
getFeature(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns a feature value.
getFeature(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Returns a feature value.
getFeatureMap() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns the map of features of this category.
getFeatureNames() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
getFeatureNames() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns the used feature names within the feature map.
getFeatureNames() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Returns the used feature names.
getFeatureNames() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns a set of all names of features used in feature structures of categories contained in this grammar.
getFeatureNames() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
getFeatureValues() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
getFeatureValues() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns the used feature values within the feature map.
getFeatureValues() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Returns the used feature values.
getFeatureValues() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
getFileContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
Returns the content of the uploaded file as a string.
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the file suffix for the given export type.
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
getFileSuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter
getFirst() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns the first category of the body.
getFormElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Returns all form elements.
getFullText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns the full text of the current content of this ACE Editor instance.
getGFGrammar() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
Returns the grammar object.
getGFGrammar() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
Returns the grammar object.
getGlobalRestrictionsPolicy() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Returns a string representing the policy how to enforce the global restrictions on the axioms in OWL 2.
getGlue(TextElement, TextElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.DefaultTextOperator
getGlue(TextElement, TextElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextOperator
This method should return the "glue" to connect two text elements.
getHashedPassword() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns the hashed password.
getHead() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns the head category of this grammar rule.
getHeading(OntologyElement) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageUtils
Returns a heading of the form "headword1 (headword2, ..., headwordn)" for the given ontology element.
getHeading(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Returns the heading text for the given ontology element.
getHeadwords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getHeadwords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getHeadwords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
getHeadwords() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the headwords that are used in the GUI (title, index, etc) to refer to this ontology element.
getId() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getId() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the numerical id of this ontology element.
getId() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns the id of the user.
getID() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.StringRef
Returns the identifier of the string object.
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns an image reference for a file in the AceWiki image directory with the given file name.
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
Returns an image reference for the given file.
getIndexOf(TextElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the position of the given text element within this text container or -1 if the text element is not contained by this text container.
getIndividuals(Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return all individuals that belong to the given concept.
getIndividuals(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
getIndividuals(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getIndividuals(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns information about ACE Editor, like the version number and the release date.
getInfo() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
This method can return a map of name/value pairs with information about the reasoner.
getInfo() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
getInfo() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getInfo() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns information about AceWiki, like the version number and the release date.
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
getInternalType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
getInternalType() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the word type as it is used internally.
getIRI() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AbstractOWLOntoElement
getIRI() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLOntoElement
Returns the IRI of the ontology element.
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
getIRISuffix() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AbstractOWLOntoElement
Returns the suffix of the OWL identifier of this ontology element.
getItem(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Annotation
Returns the value of an annotation item.
getLambdaSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the semantics tree, interpreted as a lambda expression.
getLanguage() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns the language of this language handler.
getLanguage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualHandler
getLanguage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
getLanguage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the language of this wiki instance.
getLanguageHandler() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
getLanguageHandler(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
Returns the language handler for the given language.
getLanguageHandler(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns the language handler for the given language.
getLanguageHandler() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualEngine
Returns the language handler.
getLanguageHandler(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualEngine
getLanguageHandler(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
getLanguageHandler() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the language handler.
getLanguages() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns the available languages.
getLanguages() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualEngine
getLanguages() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
getLexicalRulesByCategory(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns the list of lexical rules with a pre-terminal category of the specified name.
getLexicalRulesByWord(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns the list of lexical rules for the specified word.
getLexicalTypes() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
getLexicalTypes() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns the lexical types, as defined by the respective ontology element types.
getLexiconChanger(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractLanguageHandler
getLexiconChanger(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns a lexicon changer object for the given lexical type.
getLexiconEntries() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLOntoElement
Returns the lexicon entries (one for each word form).
getLexiconEntries() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getLexiconEntries() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
getLexiconEntries() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getLexiconEntries() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
getLexiconEntries() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
getLexRules(AbstractOption) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
getLexRules(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
getLexRules(AbstractOption) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.DynamicLexicon
This method should return the lexical rules for the given abstract option.
getLexRules(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.DynamicLexicon
This method should return the lexical rules with the given word (terminal category).
getLogger() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the logger object.
getMaxUploadFileSize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns the maximum file size (in bytes) for file upload.
getMenuCreator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns the menu creator.
getMenuGroup(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns the menu group for the given category.
getMenuGroup() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
Returns the name of the menu group of this menu item.
getMenuGroupOrdering() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
getMenuGroupOrdering() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
getMenuGroupOrdering() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuCreator
This method can be used to define the ordering of the menu groups.
getMenuGroups() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns all menu groups in the order they appear in the editor.
getMenuItemComparator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AceWikiMenuCreator
getMenuItemComparator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
getMenuItemComparator() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuCreator
This method can return a comparator to define the order of the menu items within each menu group.
getMenuItemID() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This method returns an identifier that is unique (within one instance of the predictive editor).
getMessage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.AToEverySuggestion
getMessage() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceSuggestion
Returns the message to be presented to the user.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Returns the name of this lexical detail.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the name of the ontology.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the name of this exporter as shown to the user.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceDetail
Returns the name of the sentence detail, as shown to the user.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns the name of the user.
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter
getName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns the name of the category.
getNegFeatureMaps() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
getNegFeatureMaps() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This method returns the list of negative feature maps for backward references, or null for all other categories.
getNextTokenOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
getNextTokenOptions() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
This method returns the options for the next token to be added at the end.
getNextTokenOptions(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This methods shows the possible tokens that could be used to continue the text at the given position.
getNextTokenOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
getNonterminalSymbols() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns a set of all nonterminal symbols used in this grammar.
getNoun() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
Returns the noun of the of-construct.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Backend
Get the Ontology instance for this Backend.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
getOntology(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiStorage
Returns the ontology with the respective name.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Returns the ontology object.
getOntology(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
Returns the ontology with the given name (or creates an empty ontology if the ontology cannot be found).
getOntology() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the ontology of this ontology element.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the AceWiki ontology for this exporter.
getOntology() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Statement
Returns the ontology this statement belongs to.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Returns the ontology object.
getOntology() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the ontology;
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Returns the ontology element of this article.
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Returns the ontology element to which this text element is linked.
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
Returns the ontology element of this article page.
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ConceptPage
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualPage
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RelationPage
getOntologyElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StartPage
getOntologyElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns all ontology elements.
getOntologyElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the list of all ontology elements.
getOntologyElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns all ontology elements.
getOntologyExportManager() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the ontology export manager.
getOptions() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.AToEverySuggestion
getOptions() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceSuggestion
Returns the options given to the user to change or not change the sentence.
getOriginalText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
getOriginalText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
Returns the original text of this text element.
getOutputStream() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns the current output stream.
getOWLAxioms() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
getOWLAxioms() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLSentence
Returns a set of OWL axioms that represent this sentence.
getOWLDataFactory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AbstractOWLOntoElement
Returns the OWL data factory object.
getOWLDeclaration() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AbstractOWLOntoElement
getOWLDeclaration() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLOntoElement
This method returns an OWL axiom that declares the given ontology element.
getOWLOntologyManager() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Returns the OWL ontology manager.
getOWLProfile() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Returns the OWL profile that defines which statements are used for reasoning, or null if the full language of OWL is used.
getOWLProfileName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
Returns the name of the current OWL profile.
getOWLRepresentation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLConcept
getOWLRepresentation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLIndividual
getOWLRepresentation() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLOntoElement
This method returns an OWL object for the given ontology element.
getOWLRepresentation() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLRelation
getParameter(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns the value of the given parameter.
getParameter(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Backend
Get a specific parameter for this Backend.
getParameter(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns a parameter value.
getParameter(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the value of the given parameter.
getParameters() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Backend
Get the parameters of this Backend.
getParentWindow() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Return the parent window of this form.
getParser(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Get a ACEParser instance by parameters.
getParser() - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Get a ACEParser instance with default parameters.
getParserResult() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
Returns the parser result object.
getParseTree(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Returns the parse tree of the parsed text if it is a complete statement according to the given grammar and category.
getParseTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Returns the parse tree of the parsed text if it is a complete statement according to the given grammar and start category.
getPasswordHash(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns a hash value for a given plain-text password using the SHA-256 algorithm.
getPastPart() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
Returns the past participle which is the passive form without the "by".
getPosFeatureMaps() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
getPosFeatureMaps() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This method returns the list of positive feature maps for backward references, or null for all other categories.
getPostText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Returns the text added to the end.
getPredictiveParser() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
getPredictiveParser() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns the predictive parser to be used within the predictive editor.
getPredictiveParser() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
getPredictiveParser() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns the predictive parser.
getPreterminalSymbols() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns a set of all preterminal symbols used in this grammar.
getPreText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Returns the text added to the front.
getPrettyOWL() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
getPrettyOWL() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLSentence
Returns a pretty-printed OWL representation of this sentence.
getPrettyPrinted(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageUtils
Returns the pretty-printed form of the given text.
getQuestionOWLClass() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
getQuestionOWLClass() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLQuestion
Returns the OWL class expression for this question.
getQuestionOWLIndividual() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
getQuestionOWLIndividual() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLQuestion
Returns the OWL individual for this question.
getReasoner() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLEngine
getReasoner() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns the reasoner.
getReasoner() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the reasoner object in the form of a caching reasoner.
getReasoner() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
getReasonerName() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return the name of the reasoner.
getReasonerName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the name of the reasoner.
getReasonerName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getReasonerName() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getReasonerType() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return the type of the reasoner.
getReasonerType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Return the type of the reasoner.
getReasonerType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getReasonerType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getReasonerVersion() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return the version of the reasoner.
getReasonerVersion() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Return the version of the reasoner.
getReasonerVersion() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getReasonerVersion() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getReference() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
getReference() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
This method should return the token number to which the last token refers, if it is a reference like "it".
getReference(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
This method returns the token number to which the token at the given position refers, if it is a reference.
getReference() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
getReferences(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns all the sentences that use the given ontology element.
getRequiredFormElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Returns all form elements that are marked as required.
getRequiredTextFieldContents() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Returns the content of all form elements that are text fields.
getRichText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceDetail
Returns the content of the sentence detail.
getRulesByHeadName(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns the grammar rules with a head category of the specified name.
getSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the semantics tree.
getSentence(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.AToEverySuggestion
getSentence(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceSuggestion
Returns the possibly changed sentence accoring to the option chosen by the user.
getSentences() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Returns the ACE sentences of the article text.
getSerializedLambdaSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns a serialization of the semantics tree under lambda interpretation.
getSerializedSemTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns a serialization of the semantics tree.
getSerializedSynTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns a serialization of the syntax tree.
getStartPos() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the start position of this tree.
getStartPos() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the start position.
getStateID() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the state id of the ontology.
getStatementFactory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the statement factory.
getStatements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Returns the article text as a list of statements.
getStorage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Backend
Get the storage associated with this backend.
getStorage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the storage object.
getStorage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Returns the storage object.
getString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.StringRef
Returns the value of the string object of this reference.
getStringRef(int, HashMap<Integer, StringRef>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
This is an auxiliary method for grammar classes that are automatically generated out of a Codeco representation.
getSubConcepts(Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return all the sub-concepts of the given concept.
getSubConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
getSubConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getSubConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getSubTextContainer(int, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns a new text container containing a subsequence of the elements of this text container.
getSubTrees(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns all subtrees that have the given category name as their top node.
getSuggestion(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
getSuggestion(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractLanguageHandler
getSuggestion(Sentence) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns a suggestion to change a newly created sentence, or null (no suggestion).
getSuperConcepts(Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return all super-concepts of the given concept.
getSuperConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
getSuperConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
getSuperConcepts(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
getSynTree() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the syntax tree.
getTerminals() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the list of terminals of this tree.
getTerminals() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTreeNode
Returns the list of terminals that are descendants of this node.
getTerminalSymbols() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Returns a set of all terminal symbols used in this grammar.
getText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
getText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Comment
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Comment
Returns the (language-independent) text of this comment.
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Returns the text of this sentence in the only available language.
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualStatement
Returns the text of this statement in the only available language.
getText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualStatement
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
getText(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Statement
Returns the text of this statement in the given language.
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the text that is represented by the sequence of text element as a string.
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
Returns the text of this text element.
getText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
Returns the text of the text area.
getTextContainer() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
getTextContainer(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
Returns a text container with the text of this sentence in the given language.
getTextContainer() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Returns a text container with the text of this sentence in the only available language.
getTextContainer(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
getTextContainer(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
getTextContainer() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns a copy of the text container object that contains the (partial) text that has been entered.
getTextElement(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the text element with the given index.
getTextElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuEntry
Returns the text element.
getTextElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
getTextElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Returns a list of text elements that represent the tokens of this sentence.
getTextElements(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
getTextElements(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Returns a list of text elements that represent the tokens of this sentence in the given language.
getTextElements(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
getTextElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the sequence of text elements.
getTextElementsCount() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the number of text elements of this text container.
getTextInContext(TextElement, String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextOperator
getTextInContext(TextElement, String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.DefaultTextOperator
getTextInContext(TextElement, String, String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextOperator
This method checks the context of a text element and can do small surface adaptations of a token according to the surrounding text.
getTextOperator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
getTextOperator(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
Returns the text operator for the given language.
getTextOperator() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
Returns the text operator.
getTextOperator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Returns the text operator for the given language.
getTextOperator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
getTextOperator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Returns the text operator of this text container.
getTextOperator() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns the text operator.
getTitle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
Returns the title object of this page.
getTitle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Returns the title of the word editor form.
getTokenCount() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
getTokenCount() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Returns the number of tokens of the current (partial) text.
getTokenCount() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
getTokenCount() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns the number of tokens of the current (partial) text.
getTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
getTokens() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Returns the current token sequence.
getTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
getTopNode() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Returns the top node of the parse tree.
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
getType() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the word type as it is shown to the user.
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This method returns the type of the category.
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Nonterminal
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Preterminal
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
getType() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Returns the type of the word editor window or null if no type has been assigned.
getUnderscoredText() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Returns the text of this text element in its plain form where underscores are not replaces by blanks.
getURI() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Returns the URI of the ontology (baseURI + name).
getUser(long) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Returns the user with the given id, or null if no user with this id exists.
getUser() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the user of this wiki object.
getUserBase(Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiStorage
Returns the user base for the given ontology.
getUserBase(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
getUserBase() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns the user base to which this user belongs.
getUserBase() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns the user base for this wiki.
getUserCount() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Returns the number of registered users.
getUserData(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns the user data with the given property name.
getUserDataKeys() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Returns all key of this user's properties in the form of key/value pairs.
getValue() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Returns the value of this lexical detail, either a String or a Boolean.
getWiki() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Returns the wiki instance this page belongs to.
getWord(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getWord() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
getWord() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
getWord(int) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the word form for the given word form id.
getWord() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the main word form.
getWord() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.ConcreteOption
Returns the word of this concrete option.
getWord() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleConcreteOption
getWord() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
getWord() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Returns the word of the lexical rule.
getWordIndex() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
getWordIndex() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
Returns the word index.
getWordNumber(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns the word number for the given extensible category, or null if the category is not extensible.
getWordNumber() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Returns the id of the word form of the ontology element that is used for this text element.
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
getWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
getWords() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns an array of all word forms.
getWordType(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Returns the word type for the given extensible category, or null if the category is not extensible.
getWrappedReasoner() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns the wrapped reasoner.
GFDeclaration - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
This class represents a declaration statement for the GF AceWiki engine.
GFDeclaration(ParseState, GFGrammar) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
Creates a new GF declaration object from a parse state.
GFDeclaration(String, String, GFGrammar) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
Creates a new GF declaration object from a text in a given language.
GFEngine - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
This is an AceWiki engine using GF (Grammatical Framework).
GFEngine() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
Creates a new GF-based AceWiki engine.
GFGrammar - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
This class wraps GF features of a particular GF grammar.
GFGrammar(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Creates a new GF grammar object.
GFHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
This is a language handler for languages written in GF.
GFHandler(String, GFGrammar) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
Creates a new GF handler for the given language.
GFPredictiveParser - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf
This is a predictive parser connecting to the JPGF implementation of GF.
GFPredictiveParser(GFGrammar, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
Creates a new parser object for the given language.
grammar - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditorGrammar
grammar - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEGrammar
Grammar - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a grammar that is needed to run the chart parser.
Grammar() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
Creates an empty grammar.
GrammarRule - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a grammar rule.
GrammarRule(Annotation, Nonterminal, boolean, Category...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Creates a new grammar rule.
GrammarRule(Nonterminal, boolean, Category...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Creates a new grammar rule.
GrammarRule(Nonterminal, Category...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Creates a new grammar rule that is not scope-closing.
GrammarRule(Annotation, List<Category>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Creates a new grammar rule.


hasDefiniteArticle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
Returns true if the proper name has to be used with the definite article "the".
hasDefiniteArticle(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
Returns true if the given word form uses the definite article "the".
hasEmptyBody() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns true if the body is empty.
hashCode() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
hashCode() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
hashCode() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
HierarchyPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page that shows the super-concepts and sub-concepts for a given concept.
HierarchyPage(ConceptPage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
Creates a new hierarchy page.
HSpace - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class produces a horizontal empty space.
HSpace() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.HSpace
Creates a horizontal empty space of default size 5.
HSpace(int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.HSpace
Creates a horizontal empty space of the given size.


IconButton - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a button consisting of an icon, for example forward and backward arrows to navigate through the wiki history.
IconButton(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IconButton
Creates a new icon button.
InconsistencyException - Exception in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This exception is thrown when an inconsistency in the ontology occurs.
InconsistencyException() - Constructor for exception ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.InconsistencyException
IndexBar - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents an index bar that shows either letters from A to Z or numbers.
IndexBar(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
Creates a new index bar showing letters from A to Z.
IndexBar(String, int, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
Creates a new index bar showing numbers from 1 to the specified number.
IndexPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents an page that shows an index of all articles that exist in the wiki.
IndexPage(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexPage
Creates a new index page.
Individual - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents an individual (in logic called "constant").
IndividualPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class stands for an article page showing the article of an individual.
IndividualPage(Individual, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualPage
Creates a new article page for an individual.
IndividualsPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page that shows all individuals that belong to a certain concept.
IndividualsPage(ConceptPage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
Creates a new individuals page.
INFERRED_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for sentences that are automatically inferred.
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEHandler
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
This is the first method to be called and provides the ontology object.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.AceWikiServlet
Init the AceWiki servlet, get its Backend from ServletContext according to its config in web.xml or create backend if no 'backend' parameter exist.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.BackendServlet
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
init(Ontology, Article) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
init(Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiEngine
This is the first method to be called and provides the ontology object.
init(Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
This is the first method to be called and provides the ontology object.
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
init(Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageHandler
This is the first method to be called and provides the ontology object.
init(Ontology, Article) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Statement
This method is the first one to be called.
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFEngine
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFHandler
init(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
init(Context, Component) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer
init() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
initArticle(Article) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
initArticle(Article) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Initializes the article of this ontology element.
initComponent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.DelayedComponent
This method should contain the (possibly time-consuming) operations to create the actual GUI component.
initId(long) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
initId(long) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Initializes the id of this ontology element.
initOntology(Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
initOntology(Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Initializes the ontology of this ontology element.
InvalidWordException - Exception in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This exception is thrown when the user tries to create or modify a word in an illegal way.
InvalidWordException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.InvalidWordException
Creates a new exception object.
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Returns whether this ontology exporter is applicable in the current context.
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
isApplicable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter
isCachedAnswerUpToDate(Question) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Returns whether the there is an up-to-date cached answer for the given question.
isComplete() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
isComplete() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Returns true if the current token sequence is a complete statement.
isComplete() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
isConsistent() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should return true if the ontology is consistent.
isConsistent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
isConsistent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
isConsistent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
isCorrectPassword(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Checks whether a certain password is the correct password for this user.
isEditable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns whether the wiki is in the current situation editable.
isExpanded() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
Returns whether the menu is expanded.
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
isExpired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Checks if the page has expired.
isFulfilledBy(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
Returns true if the given category is fulfilled by this option.
isHighlighted() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
Returns whether this menu item is highlighted or not.
isImmutable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
isImmutable() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Returns whether the sentence can be changed or is immutable.
isIntegrated() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
isIntegrated() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Returns true if the sentence is integrated into the ontology.
isLexiconImmutable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns whether the lexicon is immutable or can be changed by users.
isLocked() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.FormPane
Returns whether this form is locked or not.
isLoginEnabled() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns whether the login features are enabled.
isLoginRequiredForEditing() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns whether login is required for editing the wiki data.
isLoginRequiredForViewing() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns whether login is required for viewing the wiki data.
isOWL() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
isOWL() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLSentence
Returns true if this sentence has an OWL representation.
isOWLSWRL() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
isOWLSWRL() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLSentence
Returns true if this sentence has an OWL or SWRL representation.
isParseWithClexEnabled() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditor
Returns whether parsing with the compiled lexicon of the APE executable is enabled.
isPossibleNextToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
isPossibleNextToken(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Returns whether the given token is a possible next token.
isPossibleNextToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
isPossibleNextToken(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns whether the given token is a possible next token.
isReadOnly() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns true if this wiki is set to be read-only.
isReasonable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
isReasonable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
isReasonable() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Returns true if this sentence can participate in reasoning.
isReasonable() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
isRequired() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Returns whether this lexical detail is required or not.
isSatisfiable(Concept) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Should check if the given concept is satisfiable.
isSatisfiable(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
isSatisfiable(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
isSatisfiable(Concept) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
isScopeClosing() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
Returns true if the rule is scope-closing.
isSimilar(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
isSimilar(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This methods checks whether two categories are similar.
isSimilar(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
This methods checks whether two feature maps are similar.
isSimilar(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
isSpecialCategory() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Returns true if this category is a special category.
isTextComplete() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Returns true if the current text is a complete statement.
isUserRegistrationOpen() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Returns whether the user registration is open to everyone.
isValidWordOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
Returns true if the string represents a valid word form.


Label - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of labels.
Label() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Label
Creates a new empty label.
Label(ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Label
Creates a new label containing only an image.
Label(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Label
Creates a new label.
Label(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Label
Creates a new label of the given style.
Label(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Label
Creates a new label of the given style with the given text size.
LanguageHandler - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents the language-specific parts of the AceWiki engine.
LanguageUtils - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This utility class contains static methods for general tasks on the language level.
LexicalRule - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a lexical rule.
LexicalRule(Annotation, Preterminal, Terminal) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a new lexical rule.
LexicalRule(Preterminal, Terminal) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a new lexical rule.
LexicalRule(Preterminal, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a new lexical rule.
LexicalRule(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a new lexical rule.
LexicalRule(Annotation, List<Category>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
Creates a new lexical rule.
LexiconChanger - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents an object that knows how to create and change words in the form of ontology elements and how this should be presented to the user.
LexiconDetail - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a detail of a lexical entry as shown to the user.
LexiconDetail(String, String, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Creates a lexical detail object.
LexiconDetail(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Creates a required lexical detail object.
LexiconDetail(String, Object) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconDetail
Creates a required lexical detail object without description.
LexiconTableExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This exporter generates a table of the lexicon entries in CSV (comma separated values) format.
LexiconTableExporter() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
lightBackground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The light background color.
lightDisabled - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The light color for disabled components
lightForeground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The light foreground color.
linearizeAsString(ParseState, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Linearizes a parse state in the given language.
linearizeAsTokens(ParseState, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Linearizes a parse state in the given language.
ListItem - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a GUI component that is shown as a list item with a preceding "-".
ListItem(Component...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ListItem
Creates a new list item that contains the given components.
load() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Loads the reasoner or reasoner interface.
load() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
Loads the reasoner or reasoner interface.
load() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
load() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
loadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Loads the given ontology element.
loadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
loadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
loadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
loadSentence(Sentence) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Loads the given sentence.
loadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
loadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
loadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
lock(ActionListener) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
This methods locks the general buttons of the wiki interface.
log(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
Writes the text to the log file.
log(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Writes the text to the log file.
log(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Writes a log entry.
log(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Writes a log entry.
log(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Writes the log entry to the log file.
log(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.Logger
Writes a log entry into the log file of the respective ontology.
Logger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class is used to log the events on the server.
Logger(String, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.Logger
Creates a new logger instance for the given file, user name, and session id.
Logger(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.Logger
Creates a new logger instance for the given file and session id.
login(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Tries to login a user.
login(User, boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Logs in the given user.
LoginWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a login window.
LoginWindow(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.LoginWindow
Creates a new login window.
logout() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Logs out the current user.


mediumBackground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The medium background color.
mediumForeground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The medium foreground color.
MenuCreator - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This interface represents an object that can create the menus for the predictive editor.
MenuEntry - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class represents a menu item that contains a text element.
MenuEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuEntry
Creates a new menu entry for the given word.
MenuEntry(TextElement, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuEntry
Creates a new menu entry on the basis of the given text element.
MenuEntry(ConcreteOption, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuEntry
Creates a new menu entry on the basis of the given concrete option.
MenuItem - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This abstract class represents an item of a menu of the predictive editor.
MenuItem(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
Initializes a new menu item.
MessageWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of message windows.
MessageWindow(String, ResourceImageReference, String, WindowPane, ActionListener, String...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.MessageWindow
Creates a new message window.
MessageWindow(String, String, WindowPane, ActionListener, String...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.MessageWindow
Creates a new message window.
MessageWindow(String, String, WindowPane, String...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.MessageWindow
Creates a new message window.
MessageWindow(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.MessageWindow
Creates a new message window.
MonolingualEngine - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is a partial implementation of a monolingual AceWiki engine.
MonolingualEngine() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualEngine
MonolingualHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This is a partial implementation of a monolingual language handler.
MonolingualHandler() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualHandler
MonolingualSentence - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a sentence for a monolingual AceWiki engine.
MonolingualSentence() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualSentence
Initializes a new sentence.
MonolingualStatement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a statement for a monolingual AceWiki engine.
MonolingualStatement() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.MonolingualStatement
Initializes a new statement.


name - Variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
The name of the category.
NameValueTable - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a graphical table that displays simple name/value pairs.
NameValueTable() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.NameValueTable
Creates a new table.
negFeatureMaps - Variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
The negative feature maps of the backward reference.
newApplicationInstance() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.aceeditor.ACEEditorServlet
newApplicationInstance() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.AceWikiServlet
NextTokenOptions - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class represents a set of options that describe how a partial text can be continued according.
Nonterminal - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class stands for a nonterminal category.
Nonterminal() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Nonterminal
Creates a new nonterminal category.
Nonterminal(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Nonterminal
Creates a new nonterminal category.
NOREASONING_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for sentences that are not used for reasoning.
normalize(String) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEOWLLexicon
Normalizes the string.
NounChanger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class is used to modify or create nouns.
NounChanger() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounChanger
NounConcept - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class stands for concepts that are represented by ACE nouns and OWL concepts.
NounConcept() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
Creates a new noun concept.
NounOfChanger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class is used to modify or create of-constructs.
NounOfChanger() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounOfChanger


OfRelation - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class stands for relations that are represented by of-constructs in ACE and object properties in OWL.
OfRelation() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
Creates a new relation that is represented by an of-construct.
Ontology - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents an AceWiki ontology which consists of ontology element definitions and of ontological statements.
OntologyElement - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents an ontology element.
OntologyExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This abstract class is used to export AceWiki ontologies in different formats.
OntologyExporter() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Creates a new exporter.
OntologyExportManager - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class organizes a collection of ontology exporters.
OntologyExportManager(Ontology) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExportManager
Creates a new ontology export manager for the given ontology.
OntologyTextElement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a text element that links to an ontology element.
OntologyTextElement(OntologyElement, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
Creates a new ontology text element.
OWLConcept - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class stands for concept ontology elements with representations in OWL.
OWLConcept() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLConcept
OWLDeclaration - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class represents declarative sentences with OWL representations.
OWLIndividual - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class stands for individual ontology elements with representations in OWL.
OWLIndividual() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLIndividual
OWLOntoElement - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This interface represents an ontology element that has a representation in OWL.
OWLQuestion - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class represents questions with OWL representations.
OWLRelation - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class stands for relation ontology elements with representations in OWL.
OWLRelation() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLRelation
OWLSentence - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This class represents a sentence with an OWL representation.
OWLXMLExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl
This exporter generates an OWL/XML representation of the ontology.
OWLXMLExporter(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter
Creates a new OWL/XML exporter.


parse(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Parses the given text in the given language.
parse(String[], String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Parses the given tokens in the given language.
ParseTree - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents the parse tree of a successfully parsed text.
ParseTreeNode - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a node of the parse tree.
PasswordField - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of password fields.
PasswordField(int, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.PasswordField
Creates a new password field.
PasswordField(ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.PasswordField
Creates a new password field.
PasswordField(int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.PasswordField
Creates a new password field.
PasswordField() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.PasswordField
Creates a new password field.
posFeatureMaps - Variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
The positive feature maps of the backward reference.
PredictiveParser - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This interface describes an incremental parser capable of predicting the possible next tokens.
PreditorWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class represents a predictive editor window.
PreditorWindow(String, PredictiveParser) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Creates a new predictive editor window using the given predictive parser.
Preterminal - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class stands for a pre-terminal category.
Preterminal(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Preterminal
Creates a new pre-terminal category.
process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.AceWikiServlet
ProperNameChanger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class is used to modify or create proper names.
ProperNameChanger() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameChanger
ProperNameIndividual - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class stands for individuals that are represented by ACE proper names and OWL individuals.
ProperNameIndividual() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
Creates a new individual that has no name yet and is not registered to an ontology.


Question - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents ACE questions.
QUESTION_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for questions.


RadioButton - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class represents a radio button in blue style.
RadioButton(String, ImageReference, ButtonGroup) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having a text and an icon.
RadioButton(String, ButtonGroup) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having only a text.
RadioButton(ImageReference, ButtonGroup) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having only an icon.
RadioButton(ButtonGroup) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having neither a text nor an icon.
RadioButton(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having only a text.
RadioButton(ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having only an icon.
RadioButton() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.RadioButton
Creates a new radio button having neither a text nor an icon.
REASONING_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This type is for sentences used for reasoning.
reassert(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
This method tries to reassert a sentence that is not yet integrated.
RecalcIcon - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents an icon that is shown when a reasoning result is begin recalculated.
RecalcIcon(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RecalcIcon
Creates a new recalculation icon with the given tool tip text.
RecalcIcon() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RecalcIcon
Creates a new recalculation icon without tool tip.
recalculateID() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This method should be called internally whenever something changed that has an influence on the identifier.
ReferencesPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page that shows all references for a certain ontology element.
ReferencesPage(ArticlePage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
Creates a new references page.
refresh() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Refreshes the current page.
register(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Registers the given ontology element.
register(String, String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.UserBase
Registers a new user.
RegisterWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a window for the registration of a new user.
RegisterWindow(String, String, boolean, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RegisterWindow
Creates a new registration window.
Relation - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents a relation (other terminologies call it "binary relation", "role" or "property").
RelationPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class stands for an article page showing the article of a relation.
RelationPage(Relation, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.RelationPage
Creates a new article page for a relation.
remove(Statement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Article
Removes the given statement from the article.
remove(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Removes the given ontology element from the ontology.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Removes the action-listener.
removeAllActionListeners() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Removes all action-listeners.
removeAllElements() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Removes all text elements.
removeAllExporters() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExportManager
Removes all ontology exporters.
removeAllTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
removeAllTokens() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Removes all tokens in the current token sequence.
removeAllTokens() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
removeExporter(OntologyExporter) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExportManager
Removes an ontology exporter.
removeLastElement() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Removes the last text element of the sequence if it is not empty.
removeLastToken() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Removes the last token.
removeToken() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
removeToken() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Removes the last token.
removeToken() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
removeWindow(WindowPane) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Removes the window.
retract(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
This method retracts an integrated sentence so that it is still part of the wiki article but does not participate in reasoning anymore.
retractSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Ontology
Retracts the sentence.
run() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Task
This method should execute the time-consuming task that is to be performed asynchronously.


save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounChanger
save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounOfChanger
save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameChanger
save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjChanger
save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbChanger
save(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiStorage
Saves the given ontology element.
save(User) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiStorage
Saves the given user.
save(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
save(User) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
save(OntologyElement, int, List<Object>, Ontology) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconChanger
Tries to save a modification on an ontology element.
searchForElements(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DefaultWordIndex
searchForElements(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.WordIndex
This method should return a list of ontology elements that match the given search text.
SearchPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page on which the user can search for articles.
SearchPage(Wiki, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SearchPage
Creates a new search page.
Sentence - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents a sentence in the given controlled natural language.
SentenceComponent - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a sentence component consisting of a drop down menu and the sentence text.
SentenceComponent(Sentence, WikiPage) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentenceComponent
Creates a new sentence component.
SentenceDetail - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents a detail of a sentence like a syntax tree or a logical formula.
SentenceDetail(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.SentenceDetail
Creates a new sentence detail.
SentenceEditorHandler - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class manages the predictive editor.
SentencePage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a page that shows the details of an ACE sentence.
SentencePage(Wiki, Sentence) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentencePage
Creates a new sentence page.
SentenceSuggestion - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents a change suggestion for a newly created sentence.
serialize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
serialize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Comment
serialize(OntologyElement) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
Serializes the given ontology element as a string.
serialize(List<OntologyElement>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.FileBasedStorage
Serializes the given list of ontology elements according to the AceWiki data format.
serialize() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Statement
Returns a serialization of the statement.
serialize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
serialize(ParseState) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFGrammar
Serializes a given parse state.
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
serializeWords() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
serializeWords() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Returns the word forms of this ontology element in a serialized form.
setActionCommand(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
Sets the action command for the upload event.
setActiveButton(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
Sets the button (letter or number) at the given position as the currently active button.
setApplicationFunctor(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Sets the functor of the application function for the calculation of lambda semantics.
setAutocompleteTokens(String...) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Sets the tokens that normally form the end of a sentence and that should be used to automatically complete sentences.
setButtons(String...) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Removes all existing buttons and adds the given buttons to the button bar.
setClearButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Shows or hides the "clear" button.
setColor(Color) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Sets the foreground color of the title text.
setColorShift(String, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuCreator
This methods sets the color shift for the given menu block.
setColorShift(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This methods sets the color shift that defines the color in which this menu item is to be displayed.
setConcatFunctor(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Sets the functor of the concatenation function for the calculation of semantics.
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Sets a cookie on the client.
setDefaultMenuGroup(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.EditorController
Sets the menu group for all words that have no menu group assigned otherwise.
setDefaultValues(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.BackendServlet
Sets some default values for the given parameter map.
setDynamicLexicon(DynamicLexicon) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Sets the dynamic lexicon.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.CheckBox
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.GeneralButton
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
This method shows or hides the popup part of the menu.
setExplanationComponent(Component) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Sets the explanation component.
setFeature(String, StringRef) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Sets a feature.
setFeature(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Sets a feature.
setFeature(String, StringRef) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Sets a feature.
setFeature(FeatureMap, String, int, HashMap<Integer, StringRef>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
This is an auxiliary method for grammar classes that are automatically generated out of a Codeco representation.
setFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Nonterminal
Sets the feature map of this category.
setFeatureMap(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Preterminal
Sets the feature map of this category.
setHighlighted(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This method determines whether the menu entry is highlighted or not.
setIconName(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SquareButton
Changes the icon name.
setIntegrated(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
setIntegrated(boolean) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractSentence
setIntegrated(boolean) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
Informs the sentence object whether it is integrated into the ontology or not.
setItem(String, Object) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Annotation
Sets an annotation item.
setLambdaFunctor(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Sets the functor of the lambda function for the calculation of lambda semantics.
setLetters() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
Shows letters from A to Z.
setLexicalTypes(String...) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractAceWikiEngine
Sets the lexical types, as defined by the respective ontology element types.
setLexiconChanger(String, LexiconChanger) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractLanguageHandler
Sets a lexicon changer for the given lexical type.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Sets the logger.
setMaxFileSize(long) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
Sets the maximum file size.
setMenuCreator(MenuCreator) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Sets the menu creator.
setNumbers(int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexBar
Shows numbers from 1 to the specified number.
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.APE
Set default parameters.
setPositionIdentifierPrefix(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
Sets the prefix for the position identifiers that are assigned to the variables of the position operator "#".
setPostText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
This method adds a text to the end of the word of the ontology element.
setPrefixes(Set<String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.DefaultMenuItemComparator
Sets the prefixes.
setPreText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyTextElement
This method adds a text to the front of the word of the ontology element.
setSemanticsLabel(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ParseTree
Sets the name of the annotation item that contains the semantics information.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
Sets the size of the text area window.
setText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Resets the title text.
setText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
Sets the text of the text area.
setTextAreaEndText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Sets the text to be shown in the text area at the end of the text entered by the user.
setTextAreaStartText(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Sets the text to be shown in the text area in front of the text entered by the user.
setTextElements(List<TextElement>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Sets the text elements.
setTextOperator(TextOperator) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Sets the text operator.
setTextOperator(TextOperator) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
Sets the text operator.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Sets the title of this form.
setTokens(List<String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFPredictiveParser
setTokens(List<String>) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.PredictiveParser
Sets the given tokens.
setTokens(List<String>) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.ChartParser
setUser(User) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Sets the user.
setUserData(String, String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.User
Sets the user data element with the respective name.
setUsername(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.Logger
Sets the user name.
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.NounConcept
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.OfRelation
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ProperNameIndividual
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
setWords(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyOntologyElement
setWords(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
Sets the word forms.
shadedBackground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The color for shaded background areas.
shiftColor(Color, int) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
This method is used to modify a given color by keeping its brightness and saturation.
showAboutPage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Show the about page.
showCreatorWindow(String, int, ActionListener) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Shows a word creator window for the given word type and number.
showEditorWindow(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Shows a word editor window.
showIndexPage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Show the index page.
showLoginWindow() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Shows the login window.
showPage(WikiPage) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Switches to the given page.
showPage(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Switches to the page of the given ontology element.
showSearchPage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Show the search page.
showStartPage() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Show the start page.
showWindow(WindowPane) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Shows the window.
SimpleAbstractOption - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This is a simple implementation of an abstract option.
SimpleAbstractOption(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleAbstractOption
Creats a new abstract option for the given category name.
SimpleConcreteOption - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This is a simple implementation of a concrete option.
SimpleConcreteOption(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleConcreteOption
Creates a new concrete option for the given word and category name.
SimpleConcreteOption(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleConcreteOption
Creates a new concrete option for the given word, without a category.
SimpleNextTokenOptions - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This is a simple implementation of NextTokenOptions.
SimpleNextTokenOptions(Set<ConcreteOption>, Set<AbstractOption>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
Creates a new object for the given concrete and abstract options.
SimpleNextTokenOptions(Set<ConcreteOption>) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.SimpleNextTokenOptions
Creates a new object for the given concrete, without any abstract options.
skolemize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
skolemize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Skolemizes the feature values of this category.
skolemize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Skolemizes the feature values of this feature map.
skolemize() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
SmallButton - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class creates borderless small buttons.
SmallButton(String, ActionListener, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SmallButton
Creates a new small button.
SmallButton(String, ActionListener, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SmallButton
Creates a new small button.
SmallButton(String, ActionListener, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SmallButton
Creates a new small button with text size 10.
SmallButton(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SmallButton
Creates a new small button with text size 10.
SolidLabel - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of labels with no line wrap.
SolidLabel() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SolidLabel
Creates a new empty label.
SolidLabel(ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SolidLabel
Creates a new label containing only an image.
SolidLabel(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SolidLabel
Creates a new label.
SolidLabel(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SolidLabel
Creates a new label of the given style.
SolidLabel(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SolidLabel
Creates a new label of the given style with the given text size.
sortOntologyElements(List<? extends OntologyElement>) - Static method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LanguageUtils
Sorts the list of ontology elements according to their main headword.
specialCategories - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This static array contains all category names that denote special categories.
SpecialMenuItem - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This abstract class represents a menu item that performs an action when the user clicks on it.
SpecialMenuItem(String, String, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
Creates a new special menu item.
SpecialMenuItem(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
Creates a new special menu item.
SpecialMenuItem(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
Creates a new special menu item.
SpecialMenuItem(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
Creates a new special menu item.
splitIntoTokens(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.DefaultTextOperator
splitIntoTokens(String) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextOperator
This method should split a text into its tokens.
SquareButton - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class represents a small square button with one of the following predefined icons: right, down, plus, diamond.
SquareButton(String, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SquareButton
Creates a new square button.
SquareButton(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.SquareButton
Creates a new square button.
StartPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents the start page of a wiki.
StartPage(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StartPage
Creates a new start page.
Statement - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents a statement of a wiki article.
StatementFactory - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This factory class is used to generate different kind of statements (declarations, questions and comments).
StatementMenu - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents drop down menus that are shown in front of the ACE sentences as small triangles.
StatementMenu(int, Wiki, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StatementMenu
Creates a empty drop down menu with an icon of the given color.
StatementTableExporter - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This exporter generates a table of the wiki statements in CSV (comma separated values) format.
StatementTableExporter(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
Creates a statement table exporter in the given language.
StringRef - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class represents a reference to a string object that can unify with other string objects.
StringRef() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.StringRef
Creates a reference to a new string object with null as value.
StringRef(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.StringRef
Creates a reference to a new string object with the given value.
Style - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class defines some style attributes that are used by the components of this package.
styleSheet - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The style sheet containing the shadows for internal windows.
subsumes(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
subsumes(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
This method returns true if this category subsumes (in other words "is more general than") the given category, or false otherwise.
subsumes(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal


tabSelected(TabSelectionEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
TabSensitiveTextField - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class represents a text field that fires an action not only when the enter key is hit, but also when the tab key is pressed.
TabSensitiveTextField(ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TabSensitiveTextField
Creates a new tab-sensitive text field.
TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is the peer component for the class TabSensitiveTextField.
TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TabSensitiveTextFieldPeer
Task - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This interface describes a task that should be performed asynchronously (because it is potentially time-consuming and should not delay the GUI).
Terminal - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This class stands for a terminal category.
Terminal(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
Creates a new terminal category.
TextArea - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of text area.
TextArea(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextArea
Creates a new text area.
TextArea() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextArea
Creates a new text area.
TextAreaWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class represents a window that contains a text area plus "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
TextAreaWindow(String, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
Creates a new text area window with the given title, text, and action-listener.
TextAreaWindow(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextAreaWindow
Creates a new text area window with an empty text area and the given title and action-listener.
TextContainer - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class represents a text container that stores a sequence of text elements that represent a (partial) text or sentence.
TextContainer() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Creates a new text container.
TextContainer(TextOperator) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Creates a new text container using the given text operator.
TextContainer(TextElement...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Creates a new text container that contains the given text elements.
TextContainer(TextOperator, TextElement...) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextContainer
Creates a new text container that uses the given text operator and that contains the given text elements.
TextElement - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This class describes a text element (a word or a phrase) to be used by the predictive editor.
TextElement(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
Creates a new text element.
TextElement() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
Creates a new text element without initializing the fields of the object.
TextField - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is a convenience class for easy creation of text fields.
TextField(int, ActionListener, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextField
Creates a new text field.
TextField(int, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextField
Creates a new text field.
TextField(int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextField
Creates a new text field.
TextField(ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextField
Creates a new text field.
TextField() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.TextField
Creates a new text field.
TextOperator - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base
This interface defines text operations that are needed by the predictive editor.
TextRow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This component renders a CNL text into GUI elements.
TextRow(List<TextElement>, Wiki, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.TextRow
Creates a new text row with the given text.
TextRow(List<TextElement>, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.TextRow
Creates a new text row with the given text.
Title - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a title label which is used for article titles.
Title(String, String, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new clickable title which has two parts.
Title(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new non-clickable title which has two parts.
Title(String, boolean, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new clickable title.
Title(String, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new non-clickable title.
Title(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new clickable title.
Title(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.Title
Creates a new non-clickable title.
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractOntologyElement
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AbstractStatement
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AboutPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ArticlePage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.AssignmentsPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ErrorPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.HierarchyPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndexPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.IndividualsPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.ReferencesPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SearchPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.SentencePage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.StartPage
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base.TextElement
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPAbstractOption
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.CPConcreteOption
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Grammar
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.GrammarRule
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.LexicalRule
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Nonterminal
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Preterminal
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
toString() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
TrAdjChanger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class is used to modify or create transitive adjectives.
TrAdjChanger() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjChanger
TrAdjRelation - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class stands for relations that are represented by transitive adjectives in ACE and object properties in OWL.
TrAdjRelation() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.TrAdjRelation
Creates a new relation that is represented by a transitive adjective.
tryToUnify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
tryToUnify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Tries to unify this category with another category.
tryToUnify(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Tries to unify this feature map with another feature map.
tryToUnify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal


UnificationFailedException - Exception in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser
This exception is thrown if one attempts to unify two objects that cannot unify.
unify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.BackrefCategory
unify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Category
Unifies this category with another category.
unify(FeatureMap) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.FeatureMap
Unifies this feature map with another feature map.
unify(StringRef) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.StringRef
Unifies the string object of this reference with the string object of another reference.
unify(Category) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser.Terminal
unloadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Unloads the given ontology element.
unloadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
unloadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
unloadElement(OntologyElement) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
unloadSentence(Sentence) - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiReasoner
Unloads the given sentence.
unloadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.CachingReasoner
unloadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.DummyReasoner
unloadSentence(Sentence) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.AceWikiOWLReasoner
unlock() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Unlocks the wiki interface, if it has been locked before.
update() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACEQuestion
update() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACESentence
update() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.Sentence
This method is called whenever some words of the sentence are modified.
update() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gf.GFDeclaration
update() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Checks whether the page still exists and updates the page content.
update() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Wiki
Updates the GUI.
updateGUI() - Method in interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.Task
This method should do the GUI update after Task.run() has finished.
updateStyle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.MenuItem
This method sets the style according to whether or not this menu item is highlighted.
updateStyle() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.SpecialMenuItem
uploadComplete(UploadEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
UploadWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This is an upload window that allows the user to choose a local file to be uploaded to the server.
UploadWindow(String, String, WindowPane, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.UploadWindow
Creates a new upload window.
User - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class represents an AceWiki user.
UserBase - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This class stands for the set of registered users for a particular AceWiki instance.
UserWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a window with information about the current user.
UserWindow(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.UserWindow
Creates a new user window.


VerbChanger - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class is used to modify or create verbs.
VerbChanger() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbChanger
VerbRelation - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl
This class stands for relations that are represented by transitive verbs in ACE and object properties in OWL.
VerbRelation() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.VerbRelation
Creates a new verb relation.
VSpace - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp
This class produces a vertical empty space.
VSpace() - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.VSpace
Creates a vertical empty space of default size 5.
VSpace(int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.VSpace
Creates a vertical empty space of the given size.


WebLink - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a web link that points to a foreign website.
WebLink(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WebLink
Creates a new web link.
WebLink(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WebLink
Creates a new web link.
WebLink(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WebLink
Creates a new web link with the URL as the link text.
WebLink(String, ImageReference) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WebLink
Creates a new web link consisting of an image.
Wiki - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki
This class represents an AceWiki wiki instance (including its graphical user interface).
WikiLink - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This class represents a wiki-internal link.
WikiLink(OntologyElement, Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiLink
Creates a new link to the article of the given ontology element.
WikiLink(OntologyElement, String, Wiki, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiLink
Creates a new link to the article of the given ontology element.
WikiLink(OntologyTextElement, Wiki, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiLink
Creates a new wiki link on the basis of a text element.
WikiPage - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui
This is the superclass of all page classes.
WikiPage(Wiki) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.gui.WikiPage
Initializes a new wiki page.
windowPaneClosing(WindowPaneEvent) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.PreditorWindow
windowTitleBackground - Static variable in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.echocomp.Style
The color for the title background of internal windows.
WordEditorForm - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class represents a form that appears within a tab of the word editor window.
WordEditorForm(WindowPane, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Creates a new word editor form.
WordEditorForm(String, WindowPane, ActionListener) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorForm
Creates a new word editor form.
WordEditorWindow - Class in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor
This class represents a word editor that can be used to create or modify words.
WordEditorWindow(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Creates a new word editor window.
WordEditorWindow(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Creates a new word editor window.
WordEditorWindow(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Creates a new word editor window.
WordEditorWindow(String) - Constructor for class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.preditor.WordEditorWindow
Creates a new word editor window.
WordIndex - Interface in ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core
This interface represents an index for the word forms of ontology elements.
write(String) - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
Writes the given string into the current output stream.
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACELexiconExporter
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.aceowl.ACETextExporter
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.AceWikiDataExporter
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.LexiconTableExporter
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyExporter
This internal method should write the export content.
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.StatementTableExporter
writeContent() - Method in class ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.owl.OWLXMLExporter


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