Interface AnswerElement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
NounConcept, OWLConcept, OWLIndividual, ProperNameIndividual

public interface AnswerElement
extends OntologyElement

This interface describes a text element with a specific text representation when it appears as the answer to a question.

Tobias Kuhn

Method Summary
 TextContainer getAnswerText()
          Returns the text to be shown when this ontology element is the answer to a question.
Methods inherited from interface ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core.OntologyElement
getArticle, getHeadwords, getId, getInternalType, getOntology, getType, getWord, getWord, getWords, initArticle, initId, initOntology, serializeWords, setWords

Method Detail


TextContainer getAnswerText()
Returns the text to be shown when this ontology element is the answer to a question.

The answer text.

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