Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core

This package contains the core of AceWiki.


Interface Summary
AceWikiEngine This is the main interface for the AceWiki behavior.
AceWikiReasoner This is the reasoner interface for AceWiki.
AceWikiStorage This interface describes a storage object that can store ontologies and user bases in a persistent manner.
AnswerElement This interface describes a text element with a specific text representation when it appears as the answer to a question.
Concept This interface represents a concept (other terminologies call it "unary relation", "class", or "type").
Declaration This class represents ACE declarations (declarative sentences).
Individual This interface represents an individual (in logic called "constant").
LanguageHandler This interface represents the language-specific parts of the AceWiki engine.
LexiconChanger This interface represents an object that knows how to create and change words in the form of ontology elements and how this should be presented to the user.
OntologyElement This class represents an ontology element.
Question This class represents ACE questions.
Relation This interface represents a relation (other terminologies call it "binary relation", "role" or "property").
Sentence This interface represents a sentence in the given controlled natural language.
SentenceSuggestion This interface represents a change suggestion for a newly created sentence.
Statement This interface represents a statement of a wiki article.
WordIndex This interface represents an index for the word forms of ontology elements.

Class Summary
AbstractAceWikiEngine This is a partial implementation of an AceWiki engine.
AbstractLanguageHandler This is a partial implementation of a language handler.
AbstractOntologyElement This is a partial implementation of an ontology element.
AbstractSentence This class is a partial implementation of a sentence.
AbstractStatement This class represents a statement that can be either an ACE sentence or a comment.
AceWikiDataExporter This exporter generates a file that contains the complete wiki data in a special AceWiki data format.
Article This class represents a wiki article.
CachingReasoner This reasoner class wraps another reasoner and adds caching functionality.
Comment This class represents a comment that is a part of an article.
DefaultWordIndex This class is the default implementation of a word index.
DummyOntologyElement This class represents a "dummy" ontology element, which cannot be part of ontological statements but represents an article.
DummyReasoner This dummy class is a reasoner without reasoning features.
EditorController This class controls the behavior and content of the predictive editor.
FileBasedStorage This class implements persistent storage features for AceWiki data on the basis of a simple file and folder based system.
LanguageUtils This utility class contains static methods for general tasks on the language level.
LexiconDetail This class represents a detail of a lexical entry as shown to the user.
LexiconTableExporter This exporter generates a table of the lexicon entries in CSV (comma separated values) format.
MonolingualEngine This is a partial implementation of a monolingual AceWiki engine.
MonolingualHandler This is a partial implementation of a monolingual language handler.
MonolingualSentence This class represents a sentence for a monolingual AceWiki engine.
MonolingualStatement This class represents a statement for a monolingual AceWiki engine.
Ontology This class represents an AceWiki ontology which consists of ontology element definitions and of ontological statements.
OntologyExporter This abstract class is used to export AceWiki ontologies in different formats.
OntologyExportManager This class organizes a collection of ontology exporters.
OntologyTextElement This class represents a text element that links to an ontology element.
SentenceDetail This class represents a detail of a sentence like a syntax tree or a logical formula.
StatementFactory This factory class is used to generate different kind of statements (declarations, questions and comments).
StatementTableExporter This exporter generates a table of the wiki statements in CSV (comma separated values) format.
User This class represents an AceWiki user.
UserBase This class stands for the set of registered users for a particular AceWiki instance.

Exception Summary
InconsistencyException This exception is thrown when an inconsistency in the ontology occurs.
InvalidWordException This exception is thrown when the user tries to create or modify a word in an illegal way.

Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.acewiki.core Description

This package contains the core of AceWiki. This part is neutral with respect to the controlled natural language used and also with respect to the underlying logic formalism.

Tobias Kuhn

Copyright 2008-2012, AceWiki developers