Interface Summary | |
AceWikiEngine | This is the main interface for the AceWiki behavior. |
AceWikiReasoner | This is the reasoner interface for AceWiki. |
AceWikiStorage | This interface describes a storage object that can store ontologies and user bases in a persistent manner. |
AnswerElement | This interface describes a text element with a specific text representation when it appears as the answer to a question. |
Concept | This interface represents a concept (other terminologies call it "unary relation", "class", or "type"). |
Declaration | This class represents ACE declarations (declarative sentences). |
Individual | This interface represents an individual (in logic called "constant"). |
LanguageHandler | This interface represents the language-specific parts of the AceWiki engine. |
LexiconChanger | This interface represents an object that knows how to create and change words in the form of ontology elements and how this should be presented to the user. |
OntologyElement | This class represents an ontology element. |
Question | This class represents ACE questions. |
Relation | This interface represents a relation (other terminologies call it "binary relation", "role" or "property"). |
Sentence | This interface represents a sentence in the given controlled natural language. |
SentenceSuggestion | This interface represents a change suggestion for a newly created sentence. |
Statement | This interface represents a statement of a wiki article. |
WordIndex | This interface represents an index for the word forms of ontology elements. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractAceWikiEngine | This is a partial implementation of an AceWiki engine. |
AbstractLanguageHandler | This is a partial implementation of a language handler. |
AbstractOntologyElement | This is a partial implementation of an ontology element. |
AbstractSentence | This class is a partial implementation of a sentence. |
AbstractStatement | This class represents a statement that can be either an ACE sentence or a comment. |
AceWikiDataExporter | This exporter generates a file that contains the complete wiki data in a special AceWiki data format. |
Article | This class represents a wiki article. |
CachingReasoner | This reasoner class wraps another reasoner and adds caching functionality. |
Comment | This class represents a comment that is a part of an article. |
DefaultWordIndex | This class is the default implementation of a word index. |
DummyOntologyElement | This class represents a "dummy" ontology element, which cannot be part of ontological statements but represents an article. |
DummyReasoner | This dummy class is a reasoner without reasoning features. |
EditorController | This class controls the behavior and content of the predictive editor. |
FileBasedStorage | This class implements persistent storage features for AceWiki data on the basis of a simple file and folder based system. |
LanguageUtils | This utility class contains static methods for general tasks on the language level. |
LexiconDetail | This class represents a detail of a lexical entry as shown to the user. |
LexiconTableExporter | This exporter generates a table of the lexicon entries in CSV (comma separated values) format. |
MonolingualEngine | This is a partial implementation of a monolingual AceWiki engine. |
MonolingualHandler | This is a partial implementation of a monolingual language handler. |
MonolingualSentence | This class represents a sentence for a monolingual AceWiki engine. |
MonolingualStatement | This class represents a statement for a monolingual AceWiki engine. |
Ontology | This class represents an AceWiki ontology which consists of ontology element definitions and of ontological statements. |
OntologyExporter | This abstract class is used to export AceWiki ontologies in different formats. |
OntologyExportManager | This class organizes a collection of ontology exporters. |
OntologyTextElement | This class represents a text element that links to an ontology element. |
SentenceDetail | This class represents a detail of a sentence like a syntax tree or a logical formula. |
StatementFactory | This factory class is used to generate different kind of statements (declarations, questions and comments). |
StatementTableExporter | This exporter generates a table of the wiki statements in CSV (comma separated values) format. |
User | This class represents an AceWiki user. |
UserBase | This class stands for the set of registered users for a particular AceWiki instance. |
Exception Summary | |
InconsistencyException | This exception is thrown when an inconsistency in the ontology occurs. |
InvalidWordException | This exception is thrown when the user tries to create or modify a word in an illegal way. |
This package contains the core of AceWiki. This part is neutral with respect to the controlled natural language used and also with respect to the underlying logic formalism.