Interface LexiconChanger

All Known Implementing Classes:
NounChanger, NounOfChanger, ProperNameChanger, TrAdjChanger, VerbChanger

public interface LexiconChanger

This interface represents an object that knows how to create and change words in the form of ontology elements and how this should be presented to the user.

Tobias Kuhn

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the description of the given word type to be shown to the user.
 java.util.List<LexiconDetail> getDetails(OntologyElement el)
          Returns a list of lexical details for the given ontology element.
 void save(OntologyElement el, int wordNumber, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> newValues, Ontology ontology)
          Tries to save a modification on an ontology element.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the description of the given word type to be shown to the user.

The description.


java.util.List<LexiconDetail> getDetails(OntologyElement el)
Returns a list of lexical details for the given ontology element.

el - The ontology element.
A list of lexical details.


void save(OntologyElement el,
          int wordNumber,
          java.util.List<java.lang.Object> newValues,
          Ontology ontology)
          throws InvalidWordException
Tries to save a modification on an ontology element. An exception is thrown if the modification is not possible, e.g. because of name conflicts.

el - The ontology element to be modified.
wordNumber - The word number to be used right after a successful modification.
newValues - The new values corresponding to the list of lexical details.
ontology - The ontology.
InvalidWordException - If the modification is not possible.

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