Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base

This package contains basic classes and interfaces for text handling and predictive parsing.


Interface Summary
AbstractOption This class represents an option (in an abstract way) how a partial sentence can be continued.
ConcreteOption This class represents an option (in a concrete way) how a partial sentence can be continued.
NextTokenOptions This class represents a set of options that describe how a partial text can be continued according.
PredictiveParser This interface describes an incremental parser capable of predicting the possible next tokens.
TextOperator This interface defines text operations that are needed by the predictive editor.

Class Summary
APE This class is used to get an instance of ACEParser by parameters.
DefaultTextOperator This class is the default implementation of a text operator.
Logger This class is used to log the events on the server.
SimpleAbstractOption This is a simple implementation of an abstract option.
SimpleConcreteOption This is a simple implementation of a concrete option.
SimpleNextTokenOptions This is a simple implementation of NextTokenOptions.
TextContainer This class represents a text container that stores a sequence of text elements that represent a (partial) text or sentence.
TextElement This class describes a text element (a word or a phrase) to be used by the predictive editor.

Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.base Description

This package contains basic classes and interfaces for text handling and predictive parsing.

Tobias Kuhn

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