Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser

This package contains a chart parser, concretely an Earley parser, which processes grammars in Codeco notation.


Interface Summary
DynamicLexicon This interface represents a dynamic lexicon that can be used by the chart parser.

Class Summary
Annotation This class represents a grammar annotation object.
BackrefCategory This class stands for backward refernces.
Category This class represents a grammatical category.
ChartParser This is a chart parser (concretely an Earley parser) that implements the predictive parser interface.
CPAbstractOption This class represents an abstract option for the chart parser.
CPConcreteOption This class represents a concrete option for the chart parser.
CPNextTokenOptions This class represents a set of options that describe how a partial text can be continued according to a given grammar, and contains specific code for its use in the chart parser.
FeatureMap This class represents a set of features consisting of name/value pairs.
Grammar This class represents a grammar that is needed to run the chart parser.
GrammarRule This class represents a grammar rule.
LexicalRule This class represents a lexical rule.
Nonterminal This class stands for a nonterminal category.
ParseTree This class represents the parse tree of a successfully parsed text.
ParseTreeNode This class represents a node of the parse tree.
Preterminal This class stands for a pre-terminal category.
StringRef This class represents a reference to a string object that can unify with other string objects.
Terminal This class stands for a terminal category.

Exception Summary
UnificationFailedException This exception is thrown if one attempts to unify two objects that cannot unify.

Package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.chartparser Description

This package contains a chart parser, concretely an Earley parser, which processes grammars in Codeco notation. See the package ch.uzh.ifi.attempto.codeco. This package implements algorithms introduced in the thesis "Controlled English for Knowledge Representation".

Tobias Kuhn

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